Brno - The Brno city council agreed today to start work on creating a new master plan. This comes despite Deputy Mayor Martin Ander (SZ) previously stating that it was necessary to wait for the regional principles of land development as a superior document. Ander anticipates that the creation of the new master plan may take about five years. However, within two to three years, a package of amendments to the existing master plan should be implemented so that the city does not stagnate in development, he said at a press conference today.
The principles of land development in the South Moravian Region have not been developed in the 16 years of its existence. Although they are not a prerequisite for creating a master plan, Brno cannot, for example, plan anything along routes where the construction of regional roads is still under consideration and must leave land reserves in those areas.
"Brno needs a modern tool for urban planning and must respond to current trends and technologies. At the same time, we must plan the city in such a way that it becomes a city of short distances, and people do not have to travel far for their interests. Zones for work, living, culture, and leisure activities should intertwine," said Ander.
Brno is currently based on the master plan from 1994, as the significant changes prepared by the previous city leadership were annulled by the court. However, previous work and the developed documentation will not go to waste. "The package of changes could start to take effect in two to three years, and the developed documentation, on which the city began working back in 2002, will be maximally utilized. The document will be revised into an urban study, which will serve as a basis for the next master plan," said Ander.
According to the currently valid building law, there is also a risk that if the city does not have a valid master plan after 2020 according to the current building law, it will fall into a legal vacuum, and it would depend solely on the opinions of the building authority what would be permitted where. "However, this problem is not only for Brno but many more municipalities for various reasons. There are three ways to avoid the legal vacuum, and we will work with them as needed. There is still plenty of time," said Ander.
In addition to the ideal option of having a new master plan, there is also the option of converting the old plan into a new format as required by the building law. "This would comply with the law, but the content would remain the same. And the third option is that lawmakers approve an amendment to the law that would extend the deadline from 2020 by several years," Ander explained. According to him, the city's leadership will not allow Brno to find itself without a valid master plan.