In the winter semester of 2016, as part of the subject 'Architect in Practice' designated for 2nd-year students of the MSP program, a series of lectures by Czech, Slovak, and foreign architects will take place at the Faculty of Architecture of VUT in Brno. On Thursday October 13, 2016, at 5:00 PM, founding member of the OK Plan studio, Luděk Rýzner, will give a lecture in room A118. The subject is open to all interested parties at the faculty and the general public.
Luděk Rýzner (*1969 Humpolec) graduated from the Czech Technical University in Prague (architecture module at the Faculty of Civil Engineering) and also completed postgraduate studies in urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture here. Since 1994, he has worked at Atelier Penta in Jihlava as a lead designer, and in 1999, he founded his own studio, OK Plan Architects, in Humpolec. From 2003 to 2004, he worked as an assistant professor at the Czech Technical University at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. OK Plan Architects has previously presented its work at solo exhibitions in the Czech Republic as well as as part of various interdisciplinary and multi-genre exhibitions and projects, which have subsequently been showcased internationally and also in New York.