„The bishop's miter“ was carved from RAKO tiles by a water jet

The design and technically perfect object series Taurus of the traditional Czech brand RAKO has been utilized in the construction of the school of the future, Bildungscampus Sonnwendviertel, in Vienna.

Tisková zpráva
08.04.2015 09:25

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An architecturally exceptional school and preschool facility was created by architects in Vienna. The new educational complex "Sonnwendviertel" was built on 20,000 m2 near Vienna's main train station. The architects designed a fresh open concept that equally addresses the needs of young people and the insights of modern pedagogy. For approximately 1,100 children aged 0 to 14 and around two hundred educators, a "village" with a large number of open spaces has been created - for physical activity and also to support social and emotional development. This exceptional project also involved the Czech brand RAKO, which supplied ceramic tiles from the Taurus series. The "Bildungscampus Sonnwendviertel", which includes a kindergarten, primary school, and secondary school with all-day and year-round operations, represents the heart of the new urban development district.
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