Prague - The criticized construction of a building near the Parukářka hill in Žižkov will be discussed by the local council in mid-February, which will meet at an extraordinary session. They will debate a petition from residents against the construction, which has about 600 signatures. In response to a query from ČTK, Mayor Vladislava Hujová (TOP 09) and opposition councilor Ondřej Rut (ŽnS) stated this today. According to the current project, an eight-story building is to be built near the green hill. The opposition will propose reducing the building to the height level of Parukářka.
The residential complex will be built on Jeseniova Street in the area of the former studios and facilities of Czech Radio. The investor originally planned a twelve-story building. However, according to the mayor, after a series of negotiations, the project was ultimately reduced. The council gave it the green light in January based on the decision of the zoning development committee. "The fourth submitted variant represents a rational compromise between the demands of the city, the municipality, the citizens, and on the other hand, the developer and his architects," the mayor stated. Moreover, according to her, the developer will build a public staircase.
However, the opposition still disagrees with the construction. According to Ondřej Rut, the commercial building will irreversibly disrupt the horizon of the green hill. "A building that will exceed the level of the children's playground at Parukářka and the roofs of neighboring buildings by three stories cannot be viewed as a success in negotiations with the investor," believes the councilor. "The construction will be the only one that will directly impact views from the park, being visible from the refreshments area," he added. People can support the petition on the website
In Prague 3, a referendum against the construction of Parukářka took place two years ago. However, the turnout was too low. Therefore, the local voting is not binding for the town hall. In the past, a complex of high-rise buildings grew near the park under strange circumstances. Some Žižkov politicians from the previous coalition of ODS and TOP 09 sought a change in the zoning plan that would allow the developer to continue building a luxury residential area. Local residents protested against this. They also wrote a petition. Ultimately, the town hall halted the plan.