One of the rejected proposals by the developer White Hill Development s.r.o.
Prague - The councilors of Prague 3 agree with the construction near Parukářka hill. After a series of negotiations, the investor complied with the municipality’s demands and reduced the project, claims mayor Vladislava Hujová (TOP 09). However, the opposition continues to disagree with the construction. According to Ondřej Rut (ŽnS), the commercial building will exceed the horizon of the green hill and irreparably disrupt it.
The residential complex will be built on Jeseniova Street in the area of the former studios and facilities of Czech Radio. The investor originally planned a twelve-story building. Ultimately, a seven-story project will be constructed. "The fourth proposed variant represents a rational compromise between the demands of the city, the municipal district, the citizens, and on the other hand, the developer and their architects," asserts the mayor. "Additionally, we managed to negotiate the construction of a new public staircase, which will provide residents of Žižkov with a pleasant access to Parukářka," she added.
According to the opposition, however, the developer did not meet the municipality’s request from February of last year to ensure that the building respects the horizon of Parukářka. "A building that will exceed the level of the children's playground at Parukářka and the roofs of neighboring buildings by three floors cannot be considered a success in negotiations with the investor," argues councilor Rut. "The construction will be unique in that it directly affects the views from the park and will be visible from the refreshments," Rut added.
A referendum opposing the development of Parukářka was held in Prague 3 two years ago. However, the turnout was too low. Thus, the local vote is not binding for the municipality. In the past, a complex of high-rise buildings was constructed next to the park under strange circumstances. Some politicians from the former coalition grouping ODS and TOP 09 sought a change in the zoning plan that would allow the developer to continue constructing a luxury residential quarter. Local residents protested against this and even wrote a petition. The municipality eventually halted the plan.