18th Annual Exhibition of Theses 2017 - Application Submission

Tisková zpráva
01.06.2017 16:20
Applications for the 18th year of the Diploma Work Showcase can be submitted from May 10, 2017, to July 12, 2017, by 3:00 PM. A clearly filled and signed application must be submitted in person, by mail, or scanned via email to the ČKA Office in Prague or Brno.
Competition conditions in electronic or written form can be obtained upon request from the competition secretary.
 Competition secretary: Mgr. Iveta Königsmarková (iveta.konigsmarkova@cka.cz). Participants may also confirm their interest in receiving a special prize (license for ArchiCAD software) in the application.

The competition documentation must be submitted by July 12, 2017, by 3:00 PM in the following form:
1. Documentation:
Two presentation panels in portrait A1 format in digital form. The choice is left to the author, with the following specifications:
    •    The first/main panel should encompass the entire diploma thesis, including a short author report in both Czech and English,
    •    The second/supplementary panel should provide a closer specification of the diploma thesis (sketches, sections, site plans, etc.).
Both panels are presented to the jury for consideration, while only the first/main panel is exhibited.
The graphic documentation on the panel will be adjusted according to the mandatory template.
CD 1 – (for the purpose of publishing the Showcase Catalog and printing the competition panels)
The diploma thesis submitted on CD - we require:
    •    Complete panel No. 1 and No. 2
    •    Individual images in A5 format at 300 dpi resolution
    •    Bitmap image formats: eps, tif, jpg
    •    Vector image formats: ai, eps
    •    For vector images, all text must be converted to curves.
On this CD, a textual accompanying report and an annotation in English will be burned in a Word document in the required format.
CD 2 – (for the jury's decision regarding the special prize ArchiCAD)
Source data in any version of ArchiCAD in which the diploma thesis was processed must be submitted on CD. By submitting this CD, the contestant grants the provider of the special prize the right to use the awarded work for its advertising and promotional purposes.
2. Textual part:
    •    It should be submitted in A4 portrait format, a maximum of 1900 characters including spaces, font type Times New Roman (do not use Caps Lock).
    •    Additionally, a short annotation in English of 800 characters including spaces will be provided for publication in the catalog.
The competition documentation remains the property of the organizer of the showcase with the right to publish in the Catalog of the Diploma Work Showcase. By submitting their diploma thesis to the Showcase, participants express their consent to all conditions.

The jury evaluates the submitted works regardless of the type of diploma assignment. The main criterion for evaluation is the architectural quality of the submitted work. The jury may exclude from evaluation those diploma works whose documentation does not meet the formal and content requirements of the competition conditions. It will also consider excluding works not delivered by the deadline set by the competition conditions.


The ČKA Board has appointed leading experts from among architects and architecture theorists to the jury.
Jury composition:
MgA. Janků Ondřej, Ing. Marek Aleš, Ing. arch. Nasadil Pavel, Mgr. Svobodová Šárka, Barbora Špičáková.


A total amount of 50,000 CZK has been allocated for prizes and awards from the ČKA's overall budget.
    •    The first prize is set at 25,000 CZK
    •    The second prize is 15,000 CZK
    •    The third prize is 10,000 CZK
The jury has the right not to award some prizes, or to award more prizes or awards while maintaining the overall financial allocation for prizes.
The first prize and Olympus prize - the Olympus company will provide a camera brand Olympus for the winner of the first prize.
Special prize from Czech Centers - Czech Centers provide a week-long residency for the contest winner at one of the European Czech Centers.
Special prize from Cegra - license for the use of ArchiCAD software.
The Cegra prize may also be awarded to competition works that were not processed in the given software. This applies in cases where a small number of competition works processed in the given software are submitted or if they do not meet the required quality.

    •    Submitted and delivered competition proposals: from May 10, 2017, to July 12, 2017, by 3:00 PM
    •    Jury meeting: in August 2017
    •    Announcement of results: in October 2017
Diploma theses submitted to the Showcase will be delivered to the ČKA Office at Josefská 34/6, Prague 1, on working days from 9 AM to 3 PM, or to the ČKA Office in Brno at Starobrněnská 16/18 by phone or email agreement. Contact for the ČKA Office in Prague and Brno.


The results in the form of a protocol will be sent to the participants of the showcase by email and published on the ČKA website: ČKA/Diploma Work Showcase after the official announcement of results in October 2017.


Diploma works submitted to the Showcase will be exhibited at the ČKA office at Josefská 34/6 in Prague after the official announcement of results. They will subsequently be displayed at selected schools in the Czech Republic.
The Czech Chamber of Architects will publish the catalog of the Diploma Work Showcase 2016.
The results of the Showcase will also be published in the ČKA Bulletin and in other professional publications, professional journals, and daily newspapers.

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