„We are currently examining a significant topic: “Who Owns the Land”? We are exploring various forms of ownership that existed in the past and which could be updated in the future.”
Arno Brandlhuber is an architect, but his work has a much broader scope than the traditionally defined boundaries of this profession. Brandlhuber is primarily a thinker with extensive cultural practice, which, in addition to architectural creation and urbanism, includes interest in politicizing questions of private and collective ownership, sustainable economy, and social cooperation. He studied at the Technical University of Darmstadt and the University of Florence. In 1996, he founded the architectural studio b&k in Cologne, and ten years later, he relocated to Berlin with a new studio, brandlhuber+. He writes, lectures, and engages in discussions with politicians, officials, and the public to highlight the issues facing contemporary cities and society in relation to building legislation, economic and social crises. His domain is particularly the revitalization of dead sites, such as abandoned factories or building remnants of failed development projects, which he transforms even though he largely leaves them in their original state. www.brandlhuber.com
Event date: May 31, 2017, at 19:00 - Primatial Palace, Bratislava
Partners: The festival is supported by the ART SUPPORT FUND from public sources HB REAVIS, TATRABANKA, REYNAERS, WIENERBERGER, AP MEDIA, CITY OF BRATISLAVA, BKIS,