Martin Velfl, Matouš Dejmek, Zhaidarbek Medetbek Uulu
Source Matěj Beránek, Superstudio
Publisher Tisková zpráva
13.03.2020 08:35
Thick Skin at this very moment, we are working virtually, on our computers
our skin as a data-transfer medium envelops the information contained beneath it we share this data voluntarily how much of it do we expose to the public, to the ever watchful ‘big brother’ ?
building as a data collector some buildings more than others
33 Thomas Street, lower Manhattan NSA’s bunker-like window-less skyscraper
what is contained and guarded under its concrete, Thick Skin ?
our concept points out how our personal information is unconsciously misused it is part of the deal we have agreed to, without reading it every drop is a bit of information given and shared, can be taken and exploited