Reconstruction of the underpass at Práce Square in Zlín - competition results
Source ČKA
Publisher Tisková zpráva
13.07.2011 00:15
Single-phase public anonymous architectural competition Organizer: Statutory City of Zlín Subject of the competition was the preparation of an architectural design for the revitalization of the underpass at náměstí Práce in Zlín and the proposal for solutions to the surrounding areas. Competition date: March 15 – May 16, 2011 Jury: Miroslav Adámek, Eva Štauderová, Dagmar Nová, Alena Šrámková, Emil Přikryl, Jakub Kynčl, Juraj Sonlajtner; substitutes: Pavel Jungmann, Bedřich Landsfeld, Marcela Hájková, Antonín Novák, Roman Brychta Total prizes and awards: 400,000 CZK Number of submitted proposals: 24
Prizes and awards: 1st prize - 160,000 CZK author: Ing. arch. Pavel Chládek, Ing. arch. Jaroslav Hošek collaboration: Pavel Kolář jury evaluation: Successfully addressed the entrance to the underpass without an above-ground structure. This generosity and thorough elaboration of the basic idea were acknowledged and evaluated as significantly the best of all submitted proposals. The design captivated with its simplicity and purist elegance in accordance with the traditional architecture of Zlín. The jury is convinced that the submitted solution can be considered realizable and that it will not lose its generosity in reality if proper attention is paid to the processing of detailed solutions of surfaces and structures.
2nd prize - 120,000 CZK author: Ing. arch. Ivan Bergmann collaboration: Jiří Dobeš, Ing. Pavel Srba jury evaluation: After comparing the proposals that advanced to the final round, the jury concluded after a longer deliberation that for the final solution it would recommend the solution that has the smallest above-ground objects at the entrance to the underpass. However, the proposal was very positively evaluated for its generosity and clarity. The fact that the proposed object is completely transparent was taken into account for the appreciation of this proposal.
3rd prize - 80,000 CZK author: Ing. arch. Pavel Míček jury evaluation: The jury highly appreciated that this proposal did not create any above-ground structure. The proposed underground “spiral” works with the shape of a cylinder with an inclined ramp and an open staircase interconnecting these different shapes into a kind of sculptural composition. However, the jury did not evaluate the proposed composition favorably, as it seems somewhat overly artistic or fashionable. The jury is concerned that the proposed solution may become uninteresting after some time. The use of surface materials is very well designed and the lower level of the underpass is also very dignified in its conclusion.
A total of 40,000 CZK was evenly distributed among the awards without differentiation of rankings:
award author: Ing. arch. Pavel Martinek, Ing. arch. Petr Janda collaboration: Michaela Roženska, Barbora Simajchlová jury evaluation: The aesthetics of the "peeled terrain" introduces a new element into the area, which, in the authors' words, resonates with the whole and tries to avoid the exhibition of individualities. Similarly positive is the effort to bring a new impulse to the entire area after the original reasons have lost significance. However, these positives are significantly weakened by the "sketchiness" of the proposal and the unresolved many operational connections.
award author: Ilex design s.r.o.: Ing. arch. Roman Nevrla, Ing. arch. Josef Smutný collaboration: Miroslav Mučička, Mirek Peterka, Magda Valchařová, Iveta Závodná jury evaluation: The basic premise of the proposal is the maximum opening of the underpass to náměstí Práce. The slope of the terrain is utilized for the location of the amphitheater; the proposal for a projection screen and noise barrier is interesting. In this way, the proposal refers to the natural terrain configuration of the space. However, the basic premise of the proposal is also its main weakness, as the entire space is organized for the entrance to the underpass, into which the proposed row of trees even leads. The strong idea of the concept thus, without “dilution,” becomes the poison of the whole, otherwise interesting proposal.
award author: Bc. Kamil Koláček, Bc. Petr Juráň, Atelier RAW s.r.o. jury evaluation: Addresses the reconstruction of the underpass and adjacent areas generously. The effort to transform the “dark underpass” into a bright, clean space is a positive aspect. However, the objects covering the entrances from the south side appear too massive; their architecture is, however, refined.