Tomáš Zavoral (bachelor's thesis) - Wasser-G-Meter Dresden supervisor: prof. Ing.arch. akad.arch. Jiří Suchomel / assistant: Ing.arch. Martin Šaml
At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, a gas plant complex with three gas holders was built in the district of Reick in Dresden. The purpose is the visual and functional integration of the gas holders. 1. the large gasometer G1 yawns with emptiness, 2. the gasometer G2 hosts an art gallery, 3. the gasometer G3 is just a four-meter wall. The three circles – gasometers – call for unification, both purposeful and spatial. New constructions connect the gas holders, allowing us to observe the original architecture from new perspectives, highlighting their unique composition and style. The gaseous component in the tanks is alternated with liquid. Water is filled into all three parts. Dresden, as a city of culture and diversity, lacks quality water recreation, unlike cultural and educational institutions. The industry, which has taken much from the Reick district, exudes a new charm. The path of the gasometers offers an awareness of the past, present, and oneself.
The gasometers are served by cars, buses, and trams. The area is surrounded by apple trees, linking it to the surrounding gardening and residential colony. Benches, car and bus parking spaces are scattered in the greenery. The gasometers are divided into three parts: the recreational G1, the active G2, and the outdoor G3.
We enter the buildings via a ramp. We enter the basement of gasometer G1. There are offices, a restaurant, and facilities for the staff and technicians. Through the changing rooms, we ascend via the existing towers to the level of the first floor. Here is a pool with a children's area measuring 50m in diameter and a bar. Above the pool rises a block with a spa with mountain sun, a hammam, saunas, a garden, and a library. Behind them, we ascend in various directions through the existing communication towers. Above the dome, we walk through a ring of Kneipp’s bath, resting on loungers or at the bar while looking at the dome and the panorama of the city.
In the northern part of G1, we enter the blue tube. Its western section offers whirlpools. A 90m long wild river takes us to the active part G2. At the end of the blue tube, we use classic vertical communications or slide down a slide or toboggan. At the first floor level, we can swim in a 25m pool with six lanes, have fun in the children’s area or whirlpool, or sit at the bar. The basement contains toilets, staff, and technical facilities.
In the middle of the blue tube, we enter the red tower, where we can watch divers while climbing the stairs. We enter the diving tower at a depth of 25m from the top of the red tube, where, while enjoying the view of the area and the city, we can swim in three lanes of a 100m pool with a glass floor at a height of over 25m. At ground level, we enter the outdoor pool G3 with whirlpools. The basement again contains toilets, staff, and technical facilities.