a+u 06:08 special issue: Herzog & de Meuron 2002-2006

Nakladatelství: The Japan Architect
Rok vydání: 2006
ISBN: 4-900211-62-1
Formát: 22x29 cm, 324 stran
Jazyk: english, japan
Naše cena: 1500 Kč (bez 0 % DPH: 1 500,00 Kč)
  60.73 € (bez 0 % DPH: 60,73 €)
Skladem: 0 ks (standardní doba expedice do 28 dnů)

As a product of numerous exchanges with the office (H&dM), this issue combines exquisite photographs selected by the architects themselves, together with detailed presentations of the conceptual development of each project. With the increasing number of projects being undertaken in shorter periods of time, this issue is made up of a collection of recent works since 2002.


Completed Works
Herzog & de Meuron. No. 250. An Exhibition
Aargauer Kunsthaus, Expansion
Laban Creekside Dance Centre
REHAB Basel, Centre for Spinal Cord and Brain Injuries
IKMZ BTU Cottbus, Information, Communications and Media Center
Two Glass Wings on the Girtannersberg, Extension of Head Office for Helvetia Patria
Schaulager, Laurenz Foundation
Studios for Two Artists      
Elsässertor II, Commercial Building
de Young Museum     PageView
Walker Art Center, Expansion      
Prada Aoyama Epicenter
Forum 2004, Building and Plaza      
Allianz Arena
Jinhua Pavilion      
Tristan and Isolde, Stage Set      

Astor Place Hotel      
Prada Le Cure / Prada New York / Prada Levanella      
Chais d’Hosanna     PageView
National Stadium, Main Stadium for the 2008 Olympic Games    
Jindong New District      
Ciudad del Flamenco      
Tree Village Campus      
House on a Cliff      
TPT, Three Partnership Tower
MK2, City of Image and Sound      
Beijing Film Academy Qingdao    
“Herzog & de Meuron: A very temporal spatial experience” Erwin Viray