At the end of the lecture series November Talks, British architect Farshid Moussavi, co-founder of the London-based studio Foreign Office Architects (FOA), will speak on Monday November 27, 2017 at 6:30 PM in Bethlehem Chapel.
Regarding the port terminalin Yokohama (2000–02) by FOA, British architecture critic Jonathan Glancey stated: "They succeeded in building a house that had only been talked about before."
Farshid Moussavi is an architect, head of Farshid Moussavi Architecture (FMA), and a professor at Harvard University. At the turn of the century, she co-founded the London office Foreign Office Architects (FOA) with her then-husband Alejandro Zaera-Polo, which became known as one of the most creative firms – encompassing architecture, urbanism, and landscape design. Farshid Moussavi received her education at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, University College London, and Dundee University, and teaches and works externally at many academic institutions around the world. In 2015, she was elected a member of the Royal Academy of Arts in London. In three significant publications – Function of Ornament, Function of Form, and Function of Style – she expands on her research and teaching at Harvard.
The series is part of the “November Talks” cycle, organized for the 12th year by the Sto-Stiftung foundation at six leading European schools of architecture. It has been held at the FA ČVUT for the third year.
"We looked for speakers who have already appeared in this lecture cycle at other schools. What connects them? They work in international contexts; many of them teach at foreign schools. Czech architecture needs connections like salt," explains Prof. Zdeněk Zavřel, Vice Dean for International Relations at FA ČVUT.
The lecture will take place at Bethlehem Chapel, Bethlehem Square 255/4, Prague 1 – Old Town. Admission is free and wheelchair accessible.