On Thursday, October 12, 2017, at 6:30 PM, a lecture by Mirko Baum, a respected Czech architect, will take place at the Faculty of Architecture of Czech Technical University in Prague. He is particularly awarded for his progressive work in Germany, where he emigrated in the 1970s. The lecture titled Part and Whole will focus on logical thinking and systematic relationships in architecture.
Prof. Ing. arch. Mirko Baum studied architecture at Czech Technical University in Prague from 1962 to 1969. He was a founding member of the architects' commune Školka SIAL in Liberec and an active member until 1974, when he emigrated to Germany. Since 1993, he has worked as a professor of architecture at RWTH Aachen University, where he is now an emeritus professor. Since 2007, he has collaborated with David Baroš in the firm baum & baroš ARCHITEKTI. Among the office's recent projects in the Czech Republic are the footbridge for pedestrians and cyclists over the Orlice River in Hradec Králové (2012) and the Komenského Bridge in Jaroměř (2015).
Mirko Baum has long been dedicated to the theoretical aspects of the relationship between structure and form. He will lecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Czech Technical University at the invitation of the teachers from the Institute of Design II, whose students will be working on designs and the construction of small bridges over mountain streams in the Krkonošsko National Park in the upcoming semester.
"I studied with Baum in 2013 as part of the Erasmus program. Our task was to design a mobile water station, which we addressed down to the details of anchoring, including a physical model. Mirko Baum is an inspiring person; his range of knowledge, from construction to theory and history of architecture, is admirable," confirms the selection of the lecturer by Karolína Kripnerová, a doctoral student at the Faculty of Architecture of Czech Technical University.
Lecture Abstract: All knowledge is driven by the desire to uncover the laws and systematic relationships within the unknown and the necessity to meaningfully incorporate the discovered and known into the development of our activities. Systematic thinking is an essential human trait and a fundamental prerequisite for planning, organization, and positive civilizational development in general. If we define architecture as both an art and a science, it is primarily logical and systematic thinking, whether in theoretical models or in the practical combination of parts into a whole, that constitutes a reliable path to consistent and meaningful actions and encourages us to act in accordance with both the laws of logic and natural laws, i.e., wisely advising us to make allies of the fruits of our knowledge rather than adversaries. Mirko Baum
The lecture will take place at 6:30 PM in the Gočár Lecture Hall, Faculty of Architecture of Czech Technical University, Thákurova 9, Prague 6 - Dejvice. Admission is free and accessible.