CITY / PLAN / ASSIGNMENT (“C/P/A”) [Metastructure / Structure / Infrastructure (“M/S/I”)]
The Urbanism Inventory 2013 is primarily focused on presenting the outputs of Phase 1 of the research project “Innovation of the Methodology and Methodology of Land Use Planning”, which is being developed within the program project of the City of Prague “The Relationship between Urban Development and the Preparation of Spatial Planning Documentation” at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University. The 2013 edition is held under the auspices of the Czech Chamber of Architects.
Friday, November 29.
Morning Program
08:00 – 09:00 Registration of Participants
09:00 – 10:30 Opening Speech - Jan Jehlík, Jiří Plos state of research - organizational principles and processes of processing, methods, approaches, and partial outputs of teams and key topics for the next phase
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 Report of the Main Researcher identification of issues, suggestions, discussions
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break
Afternoon Discussion Panels
13:30 – 14:00 Introduction to Panel Discussions - CITY / PLAN / ASSIGNMENT (METASTRUCTURE / STRUCTURE / INFRASTRUCTURE); explanation of the blocks
14:00 – 15:30 Panel Discussion – Block 1 – CITY (SETTLEMENT / HABITATION) / CITY AND LANDSCAPE (METASTRUCTURE / STRUCTURE / INFRASTRUCTURE) Panelists: Petr Hlaváček (moderator), Radmila Fingerová, Ivan Nosek (consultant), Jan Sedlák / Ivan Plicka, Václav Škarda, Jiří Poláček; discussion The first panel will focus on a discussion about the general description of a settlement – landscape and urban; description of basic ways of arrangement and usage, both at the level / layer of metastructural (image of the city ...), structural level / layer (...) and finally at the level/layer of infrastructure (...) – in other words, what these summary designations conceal and how they are perceived by individual entities in identifying issues, suggestions for solutions
15:30 – 16:00 Break
16:00 – 17:30 Summary of the First Day
Saturday, November 30. 09:00 – 09:30 Opening Speech – Independent Expert Summary of the First Day of the Inventory and Student Conference
09:30 – 11:00 Panel Discussion – Block 2 – TOOLS (METASTRUCTURE / STRUCTURE / INFRASTRUCTURE) (ENTITIES AND PROCESSES) Panelists: Radek Kolařík (moderator), Jiří Plos, Milan Svoboda (consultant), Karel Maier, Milan Körner, team Aulík / Fišer, team Jirovec / Sedlák, team Kordovská / Kordovský; discussion
The second panel will focus on a discussion about tools in general: - political: policies (visions / strategies) / programs / tactics - legal / administrative: legislation / administrative decision-making / organization of administration - economic / financial: assets [maintenance (operation) / investment (development)] / finances: [public (budget / grants) / private (loans)] - material / professional (spatial planning): metastructural / structural / infrastructural - information / educational
specifically about tools for spatial planning and how individual levels / layers “M/S/I”: metastructural [image / activities / visions (character)] / structural [landscape (natural landscape) urban / architectural] / infrastructural [ki/di/ti/citizen] manifest in these tools, how they influence their creation, discussion, and implementation identification of issues, suggestions for solutions
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 Panel Discussion – Block 3 - ASSIGNMENT (METASTRUCTURE / STRUCTURE / INFRASTRUCTURE) (ENTITIES AND PROCESSES) Panelists: Irena Fialová (moderator), Michal Bartošek, Robert Votický (consultant), Ivan Plicka, Michal Kohout, Jaroslav Zima, Miroslav Cikán, Petr Hájek; discussion
The third panel will focus on a discussion about one part/phaseof spatial planning tools, namely the assignment, and how the individual levels / layers “M/S/I” manifest in the assignment, how they influence its creation, discussion, and use for further progress in the preparation of spatial planning documentation identification of issues, suggestions for solutions
13:00 – 13:30 Final Summary
Tuesday, December 3.
09:00 Official Release of the Press Release on the Course of the Conference
The Urbanism Inventory Conference is regularly organized by the Institute of Urbanism FA CTU in Prague under the auspices of the Czech Chamber of Architects. Records of this year's presentations will be available on the website
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