Smart City: Systems and Approaches

Cultivate space on the topic of Smart city

Lucie Pechmanová, Pěstuj prostor, z.s.
Tisková zpráva
24.03.2023 08:40

Czech Republic


A new lecture and discussion series prepared by the Plzeň association Pěstuj prostor will focus on the concept of "smart city" in the context of urban planning and city management. The introductory part of the cycle will take place on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, at 6 PM in the creative zone DEPO2015 on Presslova Street in Plzeň.
The concept of "smart city" has become a common and sought-after part of urban planning and city management in recent years, improving the quality of life for its residents. However, its banalized form may also become just a marketing tool, potentially limiting the perception of this highly complex concept to its technical and technological aspects. Therefore, the first lecture in the cycle will address the essence of the phenomenon "smart city" – what actually constitutes the "smartness" of cities? And who and how can participate in it? This and other essential questions will be answered by a pair of respected experts in their contributions.
Professor Miroslav Svítek, visiting professor in the field of Smart Cities at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) in the USA and emeritus dean of the Faculty of Transportation at ČVUT, will discuss the foundational ideas of the concept and its goals, based on his extensive theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience from applied research in the management of smart cities and regions. The director of the Information Technologies Administration of the city of Plzeň, Luděk Šantora, will then present the PINE project – the Plzeň Innovation Ecosystem, aimed at attracting more innovators, entrepreneurs, and investors to Plzeň. After the introductory lectures, there will always be a moderated discussion.
Entrance to the event costs 60 CZK. Tickets will be available on-site and in the advance sale.

Subsequent parts of the series Smart City, prepared with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the city of Plzeň, and the Czech Architecture Foundation, will focus on various aspects of the "smart city" area – mobility, the environment, and energy, and in the last lecture, data management.

Prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr.h.c., FEng., EUR ING graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at ČVUT and also attended the State Conservatory in Prague, specializing in accordion. However, he has linked his professional career to the Faculty of Transportation (ČVUT), where he was appointed associate professor in 2002, subsequently becoming a professor in 2008, and where he still works. He also teaches computer science at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, is a visiting professor at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) in the USA, an honorary professor at Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga in Colombia, a member of the Czech Engineering Academy, a member of the Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development, and a member of numerous other expert committees and scientific councils. In 2015, he became the first president of the Czech Smart City Cluster. In 2008, he received the gold Felber Medal for the development of ČVUT and in 2010 the silver medal from Matej Bel University for building the field of Computer Science. In 2019, he received the Minister for Regional Development's Smart City Personality Award. He has participated in leading numerous national and international science and research projects. He is the author or co-author of more than 200 professional publications and ten monographs.

Ing. Luděk Šantora graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň. He has worked professionally in the field of telecommunications (Telekom/O2, British Telecom) and subsequently focused on private entrepreneurship. Since 2008, he has been the director of the Information Technologies Administration of the city of Plzeň (SITMP). Under his leadership, SITMP has become involved in several prestigious international projects. One of these projects – DUET (digital twin of the city, 3D model) – won first place in the global World Smart City Awards 2021 in the Enabling Technologies category. In addition to information and communication technology services, SITMP also focuses on education and support for entrepreneurship.
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