Don't miss the Saturday opening of the summer festival on public space EnviroCity, which will take place at 8 PM in the garden of the IPR Prague premises (Vyšehradská 57, Prague 2). The environmental pavilion Loop will become the center of gathering. The festival program is intended for the broadest public, and you can look forward to debates, performances, workshops, architectural walks, and more. The EnviroCity festival is organized by the architects' association Collaborative Collective in cooperation with the Institute of Planning and Development of the Capital City of Prague.
Saturday, June 21, 8:00 PM | IPR Prague GRAND OPENING Opening of the environmental pavilion Loop, site-specific dance performance by Jana Vrána, video projection Lunchmeat.
Mon 23, Wed 25, and Thu 26 June | 6:00 PM | IPR Prague PRESENTATION OF THE INSTITUTE OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPITAL CITY OF PRAGUE Prague maps, City Branding, Manual for the creation of public spaces, Metropolitan plan.
Sunday, June 22, 10:00 AM–8:00 PM | IPR Prague LANDSCAPES OF OUR HOMES Movement workshop (10:00), dance performance World of Paper (1:00 PM), movement workshop for children (1:30 PM), presentation We Change Cities... with People for People (3:00 PM), dance-music improvisation KaPe (5:00 PM), presentation Sea in Bohemia – why not? (6:00 PM).