Petition regarding the intention to construct a new swimming pool in Písek
Source Ing.arch. Vladimír Krajíc
Publisher Tisková zpráva
13.01.2012 11:15
Petition content: "We request the responsible representatives of the city of Písek to properly investigate the possibility of relocating the planned construction of a swimming pool to another, more suitable location in the city.
The municipal council of Písek established a working group after the elections in 2010 to prepare the proposal for the construction of a new Písek swimming pool, composed of delegated representatives from individual political groups. Despite its conclusions regarding the need to investigate the suitability of several identified locations for the placement of the new pool, the councilors decided on April 28, 2011, through resolution No. 119/11, to place it in the existing location. Additionally, studies were commissioned to assess five recommended variants of the potential scope of the construction. A public survey was conducted regarding these variants, and at the meeting on November 3, 2011, councilors made a decision about them. Doubts were again raised by some councilors and the public about the suitability of the selected location under the city walls. At the meeting, it was decided to build the new swimming pool at the current site based on variant 4: "A new pool for the needs of the city with attractions for revitalization".
The facility is located in the historic center of the city within the area of the city heritage zone. The undersigned representatives of the professional public consider the chosen site under the city walls to be unsuitable for the realization of the new pool and call on the city council to personally and responsibly consider the impact of their decision taking into account the following reasons:
1. There is a unique chance (probably historical) to clear the most exposed views of the city. The pool structure in the selected variant is too large in the context of the medieval fortifications and the historic center. The most significant monument of Písek, the Stone Bridge, will also be affected. 2. Maintaining the existing pool location conflicts with the city's efforts to build a recreational calm route for pedestrians and cyclists (residential zone) from the Dean's Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Bakaláři towards the footbridge and pedestrian transit from the center to Lipová Avenue and Hradiště. 3. A facility for community services with regional significance of this volume cannot be placed in the historic center of the city. An "Aquacenter" or pool will bring a large number of cars and buses. The urban and traffic structure of the location cannot handle this influx. The existing traffic situation is already critical, and the realization of the contemplated proposal will only worsen the situation! 4. The selected facility does not have sufficient parking capacity ensured - off-street parking according to valid standards. 5. The swimming pool can be located outside the historic core of the city in a more suitable location with better traffic service for comparable construction costs.
The historic decision regarding the location of the existing pool was incorrect. We do not want the mistakes of the past to be repeated. The largest investment of the city deserves broader discussion.
From the ranks of experts associated with Písek, the following individuals support the statement: Ing.arch. Vladimír Krajíc Ing.arch. Martin Zborník Ing.arch. Libor Monhart Ing.arch. Petr Lešek Ing.arch. Vratislav Vokurka Ing.arch. Jana Kantorová Ing.arch. Ladislav Kratochvíl Ing.arch. Pavel Veřtát Ing.arch. Petra Trambová Ing.arch. Jaroslav Malý Ing.arch. Radek Jaroušek Ing.arch. Pavla Šmídová Ing.arch. Jan Bouček Ing.arch. Tomáš Cendelín Ing.arch. Jaroslav Smola Ing.arch. Laura Jablonská Ing. Jaroslav Žák Ing. Karel Petro Ing. Tomáš Franců Jiří Hladký
Petition committee composed of: 1. Ing.arch. Vladimír Krajíc, Gregorova 2585, Písek 2. Ing.arch. Martin Zborník, Bakaláře 165, Písek 3. Ing.arch. Jana Kantorová, Holečkova 8, Písek
Signed petition sheets can be delivered by the deadline of January 10, 2012, to the address: Píseckého 131 (by the Putim Gate), Písek - mailbox marked Petition Pool.