The chamber once again elected Ivan Plicka as its chairman
Source ČKA
Publisher Jana Kořínková
02.05.2017 13:45
The Board of the Czech Chamber of Architects elected architect Ivan Plicka again as its chairman at its first meeting after the April general assembly. This marks his fourth term in office. The positions of vice presidents Pavel Hnilička and Jaroslav Šafer were also confirmed. The elections for the leadership of the Chamber confirmed the set direction and the effort to continuously pursue the priorities established in the previous period. These include servicing public administration and local government in the procurement of public contracts, promoting architectural competitions, and strengthening the position of the city architect. Another task of the Chamber is also the promotion of quality outcomes of architects' work through the Czech Architecture Award.
The Chamber also plans to continue its statutory duty, namely commenting on important legal regulations. This task is now facilitated by the fact that, together with other chambers, it has become an official commenting body in the legislative process and participates in the discussion of relevant laws and regulations at the Legislative Council of the Government of the Czech Republic. The Chamber's leadership intends to further advocate for qualitative criteria in selecting the project contractor in connection with the new law on public procurement.
Architect Ivan Plicka (1958) has been a member of the ČKA board since April 2014. He has been serving as the chairman of ČKA since May 2014. Previously, he was also a member of the ČKA Working Group for Urbanism. At the same time, he is the chairman of the ČKA Working Group for Standards and Fees, which, in conjunction with ČKAIT, introduced a Program for determining the estimated value of project activities in June 2014. The calculation program, which Czech cities have shown great interest in, will be part of a new methodology for public procurement, commissioned by the Ministry for Regional Development. The methodology will also include a section dedicated to architectural competitions, which had the highest number declared last year in history. Ivan Plicka is also the chairman of the Czech Architecture Award's Board, which oversees the dramaturgy of this industry award. At the same time, he is a member of the editorial board of the ČKA Bulletin. Architect Plicka is currently leading a studio at the Institute of Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture of ČVUT in Prague. In addition to working with students, he is engaged in private architectural practice.
Complete Composition of the ČKA Bodies
The vice presidents of the Czech Chamber of Architects were also elected. Pavel Hnilička and Jaroslav Šafer retained their positions as vice presidents. Recently, elections were also held for two other bodies of the Chamber – the Supervisory Board and the Chamber Court. Pavel Rada retained the position of chairman of the Supervisory Board, with Martin Rusina becoming the 1st vice-chairman and Miroslav Holubec the 2nd vice-chairman. David Mateásko was elected chairman of the Chamber Court, and Václav Šebek became the vice-chairman.
ČKA Board - Chairman: Ivan Plicka - 1st Vice-Chairman: Pavel Hnilička, 2nd Vice-Chairman: Jaroslav Šafer - The board also includes: Karel Cieślar, David Hlouch, Patrik Hoffman, Radek Kolařík, Vojtěch Mencl, Milan Svoboda, Petr Stolín, Petr Velička, and Stašek Žerava.
ČKA Supervisory Board - Chairman: Pavel Rada - 1st Vice-Chairman: Martin Rusina, 2nd Vice-Chairman: Miroslav Holubec - The supervisory board also includes: Michal Hadlač, Lucie Chytilová, Miroslav Kopecký, David Mikulášek, Josef Patrný, and Václav Zůna.
ČKA Chamber Court - Chairman: David Mateásko - Vice-Chairman: Václav Šebek - The Chamber Court also includes: Karel Doležel, Milan Košař, Petr Krejčí, Luděk Jasiok, Milan Nytra, Tomáš Vích, and Josef Vrana.
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