At the ceremonial gathering of exhibitors at the FOR ARCH construction fair, the Architect of the Year 2013 award was presented by the chairman of the jury Zdeněk Fránek, dean of the Faculty of Art and Architecture at TU Liberec, and architect Eva Jiřičná, to:
Justification by the jury: He received the Architect of the Year award for his moral qualities and the high level of his entire architectural work. The combination of these two qualities is exceptional not only in the field of Czech architecture but also in historical contexts. Architect Antonín Novák, an exceptionally talented and educated creator with a great cultural overview and intellectual superiority, has managed to develop his talent into a pure form with a clear handwriting throughout his professional career. His buildings are minimalistic and sophisticatedly crafted into a charming symbiosis with their natural frame. His realizations in Kroměříž from the recent period are exemplary. As a person, he is generous and open to everything new that transcends the boundaries of the discipline of architecture.
He works as a teacher at the Faculty of Art and Architecture in Liberec, where he is shaping our future from his students through the relationship between architecture and ecology in the true sense of the word.