<h1>Call for the Announcement of a Competition for the Design of Peace Square in Nový Bor</h1>
Source Ing.arch. David Urbánek
Publisher Tisková zpráva
11.01.2016 14:25
We, the undersigned, request the representatives and the council of the town of Nový Bor to stop the works on the current project for the reconstruction of Míru Square (published on 23.11.2015 on the town's website) and to announce a public architectural competition according to the rules of the Czech Chamber of Architects. Nový Bor deserves a quality timeless design for such an important public space as the main square of the town!
The main reasons why the competition needs to be announced are: 1) The reconstruction of the square will change the town's face for decades, and it is necessary, even at the cost of delaying the revitalization of the space, to devote the appropriate attention to the design and possibly a public discussion 2) Nowhere is the author of the current design publicly presented (this raises suspicion of an opaque selection of the designer/conflict of interest) 3) The quality of the presentation is very below average given the time of its creation (2015) 4) There will unnecessarily be 2 parallel roads on the square - space for the public is being reduced 5) The exit and entrance to the bypass road of the square is proposed from the roundabout, where there is not enough space for it - complicates traffic at the intersection 6) In the middle of the square, the "space for the public" is constricted by the road and posts preventing entry into the area 7) The posts against entry into the center of the square hinder the trouble-free multifunctional use of the square 8) The square is separated from the park in front of the Town Hall by a road for pedestrians
For the petition committee: Ing. arch. David Urbánek, Školní 246, Velešín (born in Nový Bor)