authors: Ing.arch. Martin Jančok, Ivana Čobejová, Msc.arch. Michal Janák, Michal Kontšek, Ing. Michal Marcinov
Smiřičtí Square is not a square. It is a park. It represents a marketplace, a collective space of contradiction. It is a heterogeneous collection of historical fragments. A Baroque church, inconceivable planting, monuments referring to different periods, a non-functional fountain. Smiřičtí Square is an island, cut off and isolated by traffic from the street level that cannot reach it. The square will thus never function in its original spatial conception, which was tailored to the dynamics of life in a medieval town. However, all these layers remain as a memento, a genius loci. An island is a landscape, with its history, topography, and settlement.
Squares We enter the territory with a concept, not functionality. We give it form. Our tools shall be area and landscape. Two squares that bring order to the space of Smiřičtí Square. The smaller one defines the necessary gathering area in front of the church and anchors the replica of the plague column. The larger of the siblings creates a shallow water surface, a mirror that can be drained and its basin used as a generous gathering place. The character of the space can thus be changed with a single act. The market becomes a lake, the square a park. Two related concrete surfaces share a common module of 14x14 squares, each in a different size. The smaller square connects from the south with its surroundings via steps. The larger square is accessible from the south via a ramp.
Park The remainder of the area is left to nature, with minimal intervention, supporting the park space. Its character is not new. Besides the park area, it also remains a gathering place. Area and space. Light and shadow. Architecture and landscape. In conversation, not awkward silence. Material from compacted crushed aggregate – crushed stone, dominates the square’s space. Its presence breaks down the original boundaries and enables democratic movement in the center of Kostelec. The original paths remain readable in the lines of the remnants of the curbs. The crushed stone follows the original terrain, especially in the part of the park behind the church, creating the possibility of experiencing the surface's undulations quickly and slowly. It rationally responds to the question of maintenance and usability across its entire area. The current state of vegetation demonstrates a relatively insensitive course of planting in the past. The collapse of a clear concept is also supported by the landscaping of the immediate surroundings of the monuments and the planting of conifers. The round maple trees are not in good condition and show numerous injuries due to frequent rejuvenation. The linden grove in the eastern part offers one answer to the question of how to handle the vegetation. Throughout the entire square, we support the character of the existing park. This, in confrontation with the two squares and the architecture of the church, slightly recedes into the background. It becomes a dignified complement to the sunlit brothers. It encourages visitors to play and relax under the shelter of its sprawling crowns. Vegetation removal occurs primarily in the areas inscribed within the squares and in places necessitating terrain modeling. This results in a desirable clearing of shrub deposits around the monuments. Conversely, in the eastern part, the presence of shrubs is not in conflict with the function of the park space. Thickening occurs on both the western and eastern sides of the square. Species include existing linden trees, with plans to add silver linden (Tilia tomentosa), plane tree (Platan acerifolia), sugar maple (Acer Platanoides), and winter oak (Quercus petraea). At the mouth of Kutnohorská Street, we propose to supplement the missing corner with a multifunctional building including public restrooms.
2nd prize: Proposal No. 24
authors: Ing.arch. Marie Janíčková, Ing.arch. Jitka Pucandlová, Ing.arch. Jan Kadlas
Kostelec Square is clearly defined by the building of the Church of St. Guardian Angels, which divides the square into two parts. The church tower is an important orientation and sighting point. Therefore, we consider the views from the access roads, particularly the view from Pražská Street, to be very important, as the church is oriented towards it. The square is the city’s calling card, its image, which should be memorable. The area of the square is relatively large for a town of 3,500 inhabitants. In the past, the SJ street (connecting to today’s Kutnohorská) intersected the square, dividing it into two halves. We perceive the square as rural to small-town and propose its adjustments to support this character. We believe that the square must have an adequate scale relevant to the town today and therefore propose to support its differentiation into two parts: “behind the church - the rear” and “in front of the church - the front.” The rear part of the square, which currently resembles a dense four-row linden alley, we assess as understandable, perhaps too shady. Therefore, we propose to cut down or trim some trees to support a uniform character in the alley (for example, removing spherical maple trees along Českobrodská Street in the promenade and replacing them with heart-leaved linden, as discussed in the landscaping section). The front part is an absolutely unarticulated area with no clear program. Its fragmentation and ambiguity do not offer either a dignified space in front of the church’s facade or the possibility to use this space for cultural events. Locals do not feel safe in it, especially after dark. The large number of evergreen cultivars of conifers causes confusion and creates a visual barrier. We consider the cleaning of this area key and necessary. The church tower is hardly visible when approaching from Pražská Street due to the foliage of the trees, and the ground plane on the northern and southern sides of the square is disconnected. A portion of the linden tree row at the bus stop is actively used by locals while waiting for the bus; thus, we propose preserving part of the linden promenade.
Supplementing the structure The corner of Kutnohorská Street and the square is not defined. There is a low gaming establishment here. We propose to complement the structure with a corner building that would determine the southern boundary of the square and provide a visual frame when entering the square.
Transportation solution - parking We believe that the square is primarily for people. The street on the southern side (Pražská – Českobrodská), with its linearity, invites quick driving and creates a movement barrier between the central space in front of the church and the little square in front of the school, which also serves as a parking lot. We therefore propose to raise the entire section of the road and reduce the difference between the roadway and the sidewalk, at each end we propose to equip this section with speed bumps. We believe it is essential to promote pedestrian movement between the lively ground level with shops and the school in the southwestern part of the square and the central area where markets, cultural events, and other communal activities occur. The slowed section also includes bus stops, which need safer operation in their immediate vicinity. The main road Kutnohorská – Českobrodská, currently traversed by transit traffic, will not be slowed; we believe that due to the necessity for cars to turn into the square, they will not speed up significantly in this section. We retain one row of angled parking in front of the school and propose that all parking spaces directly in the square area be equipped with parking meters and be free for half an hour, as it is currently. For longer parking, we propose a parking lot on parcel 235/6, which belongs to the town. This space is already used for this purpose, however, its capacities are not utilized sufficiently.
Surfaces The facade of the church is perceived as a significant part of the city's image. We propose a shallow water surface in front of the church, which would create a more pleasant climate at the bus stop and reflect the church tower on its surface, thereby emphasizing its dominant role. We place this surface along the axis of the church - Pražská Street. The edge of the terrain difference between the southern street of the square and the space in front of the church is addressed as steps, which are to serve not only to connect across the entire length but also as a gathering space, serving as an audience for the whole central area. The surface in front of the church is made of rough stone paving (pebbles set in a concrete slurry). We believe that the small scale of the pebbles will support the monumentality of the church. The surface of the rear part of the square, that is the linden alley, we propose to uniform in crushed stone treatment. Movement through the park will be possible in all directions and the original direction of the alley toward the back of the church will not be denied, as is the case today. The surface modification will also support the differentiation of both parts. The front and rear sections are separated by a low wall, behind which is a "sculptural play" area, an object for children and adults, shaded by existing linden trees and a red-leafed maple.
Furniture / lighting At the front of the square, we propose a row of benches for views into the central area towards the church. The benches are complemented by lower lamps that continue around the edge of the northern side. The rest of the front part of the square is proposed to be illuminated with lights in the paving that would not obstruct the organization of cultural events, for example, the setting up of a circus. The fixed furniture consists of stay-in concrete steps, equipped with wooden seats at the edge between the bus stop and the central space, which have built-in lights in their risers. A sturdy bench is also the wall separating the front and back parts, oriented to the space with the sculptural play and walls along the entire southern side of the square, between the sidewalks and parking. Around the water area is a low perimeter wall illuminated around the entire circumference, which can also be used for seating. The water area is illuminated beneath the surface throughout. We propose to illuminate the entire church around its perimeter so that its dominant role in the square does not end with the closing time of the surrounding shops. We plan to place low lights near the plague column and the solitary linden tree in front of the church. Loose benches from the company mm cité are proposed to be placed in the linden alley, facing the church. This park space is proposed to be supplemented with two rows of low column-like lamps that would highlight the direction of the alley towards the church. The route of today’s path running north around the church is proposed to be supplemented with lower lamps and benches. On the southern side of the square, we propose higher lamps that would illuminate the road and the bus stops. In front of the school, we then add lamps to illuminate the parking area.
Monuments We propose to relocate the Marian column to the central area so that it is visible at the junction of Prokopova, Pražská, and Kutnohorská Streets, and complements its verticality with the church tower. We do not retain its original location in front of the church, which was aligned with the view axis from Pražská Street for two reasons. The first is that the niche in the church facade, into which it was projected and the statue at the top of the column was, currently contains another statue. The second is that the church has since been completed with a tower, and the vertical element of the column would unnecessarily compete with it. We propose to relocate or replace the other existing monuments with new ones, better located in the square. The city could announce a competition for their design and implementation.
Landscaping In the project, we propose numerous landscaping adjustments. In the central area of the square, we will remove most of the trees for visual connection between the southern and northern parts of the square and to free the central area in front of the church. The row of maple trees (Acer platanoides) along the perimeter of the square is proposed to be removed throughout the area. We believe that the scale of the trees is not suitable for Kostelec Square, and their health status is poor; the trees have probably been rejuvenated many times in the past. In the southeastern part of the square, along Českobrodská Street, we propose replacing the maples with heart-leaved linden (Tilia cordata). We propose to trim the rest of the four-row alley, remove several trees from the inner part, thereby improving the light conditions for the remaining alley trees. In the northern part of the square, we propose to plant a new avenue of ornamental apple trees (Malus x hybrida) of domestic varieties that would shade the southern facades of the houses. The apple trees are well resistant to drought, and by choosing domestic species, they would support the small-town atmosphere of the square. Their small fruits do not fall in autumn and create a color contrast with the bark in winter. In front of the primary school behind the bus stop, we propose new plantings of Japanese pagoda trees (Sophora japonica), whose crowns have a delicate texture and are interesting for their flowers and autumn coloring. Complemented by furniture, they will create suitable backing for the bus stop and the edge of the central area. Behind the wall leading to the children's zone, we will add a group of paper birches (Betula papyrifera), which will contrast with the red-leafed maple and the crushed stone surface. We are aware that some proposed interventions in the current state are radical, but we believe that such decisions are necessary. The vision of a clear image of the square is their reason.
2nd prize: Proposal No. 2
authors: Ing.arch. Martin Hájek, Ing.arch. Václav Hájek, Ing.arch. Petr Horský
Concept We perceive Smiřičtí Square as the historical, commercial, and cultural center of Kostelec nad Černými lesy, where many different functions intersect. The addressed area is divided into two functional spaces: the busier paved western part of the square and the quieter eastern part with park landscaping. The western part should serve as a meeting space for hosting markets and other cultural events. In contrast, the eastern part of the square will serve more as a recreational and resting park, similarly to how it is now.
Urban architectural solution The aim of the proposal is to create a pleasant urban space that utilizes existing valuable elements in the addressed area and strengthens the current state. The proposed revitalization therefore addresses the most necessary interventions triggered by the modification of roads and the change of functions of some parts of the space that are not utilized sufficiently.
Main criteria of the proposal: - relationship between the square and park space - communication relationships and accessibility of the space - inclusion of previously unused places into the function of the whole space - creation of space for new functions enhancing the potential of the area - clarity of the area - restoration of the historical appearance of the space
One of the addressed problems is the relatively dense car traffic along the southern side of the square and especially the high frequency of suburban bus lines, some of which turn on the square. We address this situation with a new road in the southwestern part of the area, which is exclusively intended for buses and allows turning without the need to circle the entire square. The bus stops are approximately retained in their current location, which is in the center of activity. The southern stop is located within the road for buses. The stops are designed for two standard buses or one long articulated. The road along the northern and western sides of the square can thus be designed as a one-way calming road, at the same level as the square surface, thereby visually continuing the space. The southwestern part of the addressed space is currently entirely utilized for parking. It lacks adequate buffer space in front of the primary school entrance, posing a potential conflict between pedestrians and passing vehicles. Our intention is to return this priced area back to pedestrians and create a natural gathering space in front of shops. Parking spaces are newly distributed around the entire perimeter of the square. Along the western side, spaces are provided for visitors to the restaurants and museum. Compared to the current state, the number of parking spaces is slightly reduced in favor of areas designated for pedestrians. However, parking can advantageously be utilized in the courtyard of the farm within a reasonable distance, where a parking lot has been built for this purpose. We propose to supplement the gap disrupting the street line at the corner of the southern side of the square with new construction. The new building loosely continues the footprint of the disappeared house. Its floor also projects forward from the street front of the houses on Kutnohorská Street, closing the perspective. However, the ground level of the projecting part is kept free, so the building does not limit access to the square. The sidewalk along the western side of the square is widened to allow smooth pedestrian movement and placement of restaurant patios, which are retained, but their disruptive enclosure is removed. Their area consists only of a low wooden terrace. In the western part of the square, we propose the removal of the existing inappropriate and incongruous vegetation and the paving of the resulting area, thereby restoring the function of the square as the main formative element of the town. The Baroque church will thus dominate the entire square once again. However, we decided not to restore the Baroque Marian column, which originally vertically complemented the façade of the church. This composition has already been irreversibly altered by the construction of the Neo-Baroque church tower. The function of the vertical element has been partially taken over later by the Art Nouveau monument to the fallen in World War I, which we will leave in its current position. We are convinced that placing a replica of the Marian column will not replace the historical value of the original monument and, from an urbanistic perspective, is neither necessary. The funds spent could thus be used in other ways. However, we propose to place a bronze plaque in the paving at the location where the column stood, commemorating this significant sculptural work. The preserved sculptures from the column should, however, return to Kostelec. The proposal places them along the northern side of the church. The northwestern part of the square is supplemented with a granite fountain that can serve for refreshment and help create a pleasant microclimate on summer days. In the park area in front of the town hall, a smaller atypical children's playground is planned. Its uneven surface will be made of rubber granules.
Greenery In the proposed solution, we aimed for a sensitive integration of the existing valuable greenery and the opening of the western part of the square. The proposal retains most of the mature trees, whose function here is not only aesthetic but also ecological and recreational. Only unpromising trees and disruptive elements of greenery in the square space were removed. The existing alley along the southern side of the square obscures the view of the church and separates the area in the southwestern part of the space. However, it consists of valuable mature trees that form a partial noise barrier from the busy road and are heavily used by pedestrians. We also perceive it as a historical element. This division is so ingrained that we decided to keep it. In the southwestern section, we will augment the tree row along the opposite side of the roadway, filtering the space in front of the school. New tree rows were also added around the perimeter of the square, which do not obscure the visually exposed facades of historical houses. In the eastern park area of the square, the proposal assumes the removal of trees in poor condition, the restoration of viewpoints, and the overall recultivation of greenery. The density of greenery will gradually decrease towards the west, creating a smooth transition between the paved space and the park. The proposal is based on the existing species composition. The trees will consist primarily of linden and maple, complemented by flowering shrubs. The new tree row along the square will be made up of acacias. In the square, one solitary spruce is left that can be used as a Christmas tree without the need for annual felling.
Surfaces and materials The architectural design of the surfaces is based on the original historical footprint and aims to preserve the preserved paving to the maximum extent. The new paving corresponds with the historical environment and emphasizes the identity of the place. The paving of the square is designed from granite cubes. The central motif of the paved area is a restored mosaic in front of the church entrance, complemented by new patterns creating the impression of a developed carpet before the temple's façade. Adjacent roads are also designed with granite cubes assembled in fan patterns, thereby visually uniting the space. Gray granite mosaic in two shades is proposed as the material for sidewalks. The existing paving will, where possible, interleave with the new paving or be used as material for paving in other locations. The grassy areas in the park part cross two main intersecting paths. Considering the nature of the place, we propose a crushed stone surface for these paths.
Furniture In the addressed area, there is currently a heterogeneous, aesthetically and functionally inadequate furniture, which is sometimes completely lacking. The goal is therefore to replace the existing elements with new furniture with a unified expression. Wooden benches with a steel structure are also supplemented in the edge areas where they currently lack, thereby increasing the attractiveness of these areas. Benches are distributed freely across the square so that they can be a place for rest, observation of the square, and monitoring of activities in the entire space. Along the main paths for pedestrians, besides benches, there are also waste bins and public lighting lamps. Two sizes of poles are chosen for lighting. Along the main road, larger poles are taller. The square itself and surrounding streets are illuminated by lower park lights. Furniture elements are designed as steel with a matte gray metallic coating. Currently, there are also three standalone monuments in the square. Instead of them, we propose one new granite monument with secondarily placed metal plates, situated in the park area. The bus stops are equipped with shelters, the northern one is complemented by public restrooms accessible from the square.
Assessment of contribution Through the proposed adjustments, Smiřičtí Square will be transformed into a fully functional urban space offering enough places for rest, entertainment, as well as various cultural and social activities that regularly take place here, thereby strengthening its significance in the structure of the town. The aim was especially to create a clear and purposeful space. We believe that the simplicity of the solution expresses respect and humility in the context of the historical environment. Previously unused areas should be actively integrated into the function of the whole square, creating a foundation for a well-functioning space.
3rd prize: Proposal No. 7
authors: Ing.arch. Zdeněk Holzel, Ing.arch. Jan Křivský
Smiřičtí Square has great potential – its area, preserved streetfront, historical landmarks, mature greenery. It also has its weak points – poorly organized space, conceptually addressed greenery obscuring the church, undignified surface of the main part of the square, traffic loading on Pražská, unconceptually led bike path.
We propose the principles for renewal: Opening the view of the church Modification of transport solutions Hierarchy of spaces Surface adjustment Greenery adjustment Return of the Marian column New fountain Unified furniture
Proposal We consider unifying the square’s area and opening the view of the church in its axis to be the most important step. We propose moving Pražská Street in the western part of the square south, closer and parallel to the houses. At the entrance to the square, a speed bump will be created that will slow down traffic while opening the view of the church. We slightly reduce the buffer space in front of the school, compensating for this sufficiently by unifying the western part of the square and opening the view of the church from the mouth of Pražská. We propose the square as a unified paved area around the church. The roads to the west and north will be calmed – a mixed movement of vehicles and pedestrians. By their character, they will belong to the pedestrian area of the square. Around the perimeter of the square, we propose planting trees at regular intervals. In summer, they will provide shade to pedestrians and the spaces in front of shops. Where possible, we propose to widen the sidewalks so that the trees are further from the houses – not shading them. We also propose a paved area north of the church – between the church and the municipal office. We want to open the space in front of the office and pull it more into the square. The area behind the church will remain in park landscaping. We propose to brighten it up and adjust the division of green and walkable areas. Its character is different from the area in front of the church – resting under the trees in peace. A children’s playground can be placed here.
The small square in front of the church The square has a large area. For the residents of Kostelec, besides exceptional events (pilgrimages, circus, markets, etc.), it is difficult to utilize. Therefore, we propose to insert a Small Square in front of the church into the area of the square. This space will have a different paving than the rest of the square. The church will seem to sit on a little carpet. The Small Square will surround the whole church – it will define its own space between the park and the square area. Its main part will be in front of the church. It will be defined from the south and west by stairs – due to height relations. People may sit on the stairs. In the Small Square, we propose to place the Marian column. On the north, the Small Square is defined by existing trees and further visually closed by an Arbor. From the Small Square with the Marian column, we expect that its small scale will make it close to people, easily identifiable, and will serve as a meeting place – "let's meet at the Small Square".
Arbor North of the Small Square in front of the church, we place an Arbor. This is an open-access structure nestled in the square area. It has no walls, just a roof. It helps to define the Small Square in front of the church. It offers shelter from rain, shade. Its content will depend on the will of the residents of Kostelec – it may host public council meetings, theater, exhibitions, concerts. It will be used during markets and pilgrimages.
Fetter House In the future, it will definitely be completed. If the city acquires the plot, the house can partially serve as an information center, contain public restrooms, and other activities serving the visitors of the town.
Marian column We propose to return it to the Small Square in front of the church. Opening the view in the axis of the church will allow the statue to be projected into the niche in the façade of the church.
Fountain We propose a fountain approximately at the location of the former pond. We envision it as a monolith – a stone with a hollow – a water surface. Water flows over the edges of the fountain, running over the stone. It is supplied with water from a standalone element next to the fountain.
Furniture We imagine the furniture as a unifying element of the entire square. Lamps, bicycle racks, posts, direction signs, information boards, bus stop shelters, benches, waste bins, railings, and Arbor – we propose in a unified look and material – elements made of steel strips in a graphite color. This will intertwine throughout all parts of the square. If it turns out that individual solutions for some furniture elements (for example, public lighting lamps, tree grids) are not possible, we do not oppose using standardized elements.
Monuments In the square area, there are four monuments. In connection with the adjustments, we propose to modify their locations for some. TGM, Štefánik, Beneš – into the space between the church and the municipal office – along the axis of the Arbor. Jan Hus, Jan Žižka – in their current location in the park. War victims' monument – into the northwest corner of the square – along the axis of the Arbor. The liberation monument by the Soviet army – into the southwest corner near the school. The distribution is even across the entire area of the square. No monument competes with the Marian column, nor is it in the line of sight to the church.
Surfaces Pražská – existing rough stone pavement. Driveable areas calmed – smaller format stone paving than Pražská. The square surface, pedestrian areas – smooth stone paving – formats 200/200, 200/300. The Small Square in front of the church – unfenced stone paving – smooth, larger formats. All pavings are proposed in shades of gray – creating a calm foreground for the houses, greenery, and furniture. An exception will be the paving of the Small Square – we propose it significantly darker compared to the others. The mass of the church will sit on solid ground. Along the axis of the view to the church, we propose strips of dark paving to support the view – the direction of the church.
Greenery The proposed adjustments are connected with the overall solution of the square – opening the view of the church, unifying the area in front of the church, new greenery around the perimeter of the square. Due to the straightening of Pražská and opening the view of the church, we propose removing the linden alley in the area to the west of the church. The alley will be replaced with a tree row along Pražská. The alley in the area to the east of the church will be left in its current form, with new trees filling in the missing spots. Aging trees will be gradually replaced with new ones. The linden grove behind the church will be lightened – preserving valuable trees, which will have more space. We will adjust the shapes of the grassy areas under the trees – they will have softly shaped edges – thus highlighting the different character of the parts of the square before/behind the church. The connection between the park behind the church and the paved area in front will also be aided by preserving solitary original trees in the paved area of the square. These are trees in the strip north of the church. The part of the square in front of the church will have new trees around its perimeter. On the southern edge of the square – along Pražská we will place trees on both sides of it.
Transport solution The transport solution essentially preserves the existing form. We propose to move Pražská Street in the western part of the square south, closer and parallel to the houses. At the entrance to the square, a gentle speed bump will arise that will slow down traffic. Pražská and Kutnohorská will remain 7m wide between the curbs. Given its significance and traffic loading, elevation-differentiated curbs will remain. Other roads – along the northern and western edges of the square – we propose as calmed – as part of the square. They will not be height-separated from the rest of the square area. The curbs will be sunken – delineating the space for cars but will not create a barrier. The eastern part of the square (currently a paved triangular area) at the entrance to the castle we propose to modify. We delineate a larger space for pedestrians – adjusting the radii to create a buffer space before the castle entrance. All drives into courtyards are preserved – parking spaces along their position are excluded so that access is possible.
Parking One of the city’s advantages is that it allows trouble-free – free parking right in its center. The current solution – with free parking in the courtyard / paid parking in the square – works well, we will maintain it. We do not deal in detail with the courtyard of the farm. It is worth considering whether the entire area can be addressed more economically in the future – the same number of parking spaces can fit into a significantly smaller area. We adjust parking in the square area. We retain the existing number of approximately 90 parking spaces. We propose to eliminate the existing parking area in the southwest corner of the square - in front of the school. This area is reserved for pedestrians and deliveries. Spaces are replaced along the western side of the square – spaces on both sides of the roadway. If in the future it becomes apparent that parking in the square is insufficient, we can add approximately 30 spaces along the southern side of the roadway leading to the northern side of the square.
Bike path We believe it is poorly spatially and height-wise positioned, regardless of the paving material. In the final solution, we propose completely removing it. Cyclists can ride along the calmed road along the northern edge of the square. We assume that the renewal of the square will occur in phases. If it is currently not possible to remove or restruct the bike path, it is possible to integrate it into the proposal and adjust it in the future.
Bus transportation We retain bus stops approximately in the same position. They have a connection to the school – their placement is correct here. We propose their adjustment – extending the boarding edges so they can simultaneously serve 2 buses (length 15 and 19m) in each direction. Regarding the adjustment of Pražská Street (straightening the road), we will gain more space for the stop towards Prague.
Trucks Within the assignment, we see few options to prevent trucks from entering courtyard 161/1 across the square. The planned bypass of Kostelec does not address the issue. Entering the courtyard from Svatbínská is possible. This would need to be addressed by organizational measures from the operator of the courtyard.
Public restrooms Currently, we propose to establish them in the courtyard near the parking lot. They will not be visually exposed and expensive. Possibly in the restored Fetter House in the future.
Sorted waste We propose to place it in the green area near the connection of Lázeňská Street. We propose traditional containers (for simplicity of handling and cost). To ensure that the containers do not stand directly in the park area, we will enclose them, and the fencing will be grown over with greenery.
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