
The apartment on Grosslingova Street serves most of the time for the owner himself in case he needs to be in Slovakia for work. However, it also offers the possibility of accommodation for the whole family on weekends or holidays in Bratislava. The solution is based on creating a spacious multifunctional room oriented to the street views and moving the bedroom as a utilitarian space to a quiet courtyard. With this change, we have created a generous living space that is available to the residents of the apartment throughout the day. At the same time, the semi-circular curtain creates a "room within a room" used for children's sleepovers.
Main visual element of the apartment is a large wardrobe above which there are skylights letting light into the hallway and bathroom.
The materiality is chosen in its rawest state, only from the basic materials and their surface finish, such as raw plaster, stainless steel or wooden parquet typical for historic buildings in Bratislava. Everything that was possible to restore we kept in place such as doors with original brass handles.
Kuklica Smerek architekti
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