This lecture will present the work of the Basel- and Berlin-based office Diener & Diener, founded in 1980 by Roger Diener and Marcus Diener. As the office continues to develop contemporary residential buildings, they maintain its focus on this subject matter. The results of this focus can be seen in the projects they realized on the Java and KNSM Island in Amsterdam, the Basel Markthalle Tower, and the residential building of the Mustersiedlung Hadersdorf in Vienna. From 1999 to 2015, Roger Diener was professor at ETH Zurich, where he co-founded the ETH Studio Basel Contemporary City Institute. The Berlage Keynotes is an ongoing lecture series featuring internationally prominent architects, designers, and thinkers who are at the forefront of design discourse and innovation. A selection of speakers working from different disciplinary perspectives and in different geographic, cultural, and political contexts present how their work engages with contemporary issues and debates. This spring semester, speakers include Christ & Gantenbein, OOZE, Francesca Torzo, Manthey Kula, PRODUCTORA, Anna Puigjaner, Vector Architects, Kieran Long, and Diener & Diener.
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