Polská nevládní organizace Moje miasto Katowice se snaží prosazovat dobrou architekturu v Katowicích a celé katowické aglomeraci. Nyní zve všechny architekty k účasti na soutěži o návrh nového Slezského muzea.
Nová budova muzea by se měla nacházet na místě bývalého uhelného dolu, bývalé industriální budovy budou jeho součástí. V muzeu bude mimo jiné umístěna jedna z největších polských sbírek malířství.
Soutěžící musí splnit určitá kritéria, neboť se předpokládá, že výsledky soutěže budou podkladem pro následné vypracování realizační dokumentace.
Bližší informace naleznete v níže přiložené tiskové zprávě, na stránkách organizace Moje miasto nebo na stránkách Slezského muzea. Podrobné soutěžní podmínky jsou zájemcům k dispozici do 4.12.2006 na adrese vyhlašovatele soutěže (SARP o/Katowice ul. Dyrekcyjna 9 (phone:+48 032 25 39 774, fax:+48 032 25 39 230))
Dear Sirs and Madams
„My City” is a non – governmental organisation focused on acting for development of the city of Katowice and other cities of Katowice agglomeration. Among others, our aim is to promote good architecture in the cities, co - operate with local and regional authorities on this field, influence the authorities to create good „public space” and propose our own solutions. We also try to work on positive image of the cities of Katowice agglomeration, promote their development among people in the region and elsewhere.
Our region, taking advantage of industrial and multicultural heritage, influenced by Czech, German, Jewish and Polish culture is now going through the process of dynamic social and economical changes. Silesia became the second academic centre in Poland in terms of the number of students and the third one in terms of the number of academic teachers. New industrial branches and service sector are developing. Silesia has the densest express road network in Poland and one of the most dynamic airports in Europe in recent years. 13.7% of the Gross National Product (GNP) is produced in this region (second position in Poland). At the same time, huge ecological effort was made to reduce emissions of pollutants to each of environmental compounds, causing vast improvement of environmental quality. The population amount of silesian urban area places us on 13th position in the list of most populates urban areas in Europe and on 1st position in Eastern Europe!
Recently, one of the most important points of public discussion in our region is creating new residence for the Silesian Museum. It is planned that new Museum will be the image of the region, the gate to Silesia. On the basis of this discussion the Marshall Office of Silesian Woivodeship (regional self – governmental authority) announced the competition for the architectural design of new residence of Silesian Museum. The object will be located on the area of recently closed coal mine, which buildings - good examples of industrial architecture – are aimed to be composed into the new object. The investment site is close to multipurpose arena “Spodek” (eng: saucer), which is one of the best architectural objects built in Poland after the war. We hope that new museum will be as unique as the first residence of the Silesian Museum, masterpiece designed by architect Karol Schayer and destroyed in the first months of war, used to be at its time.
Among others, new museum will be the seat of one of Poland's largest collection of Polish painting. It consists of works created by leading painters from the late nineteenth century to 1939 and is complemented by paintings, prints, drawings, posters and sculpture created by contemporary artists. There will be also very interesting and unique collection of non-professional art, collection of decorative arts, archaeological section and ethnographical exhibits.
We believe that there are conditions for creating an outstanding work of architecture in the framework of this competition. Therefore we would like to invite all the architects that may be interested to take part in the competition organised by the Marshall Office of Silesian Woivodeship. The competition was announced in the supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, document number: 2006/S 211-226159, where you can find contact details. Short extract from the Competition Rules you can find also at our web site: www.gkw.katowice.pl.
You cannot avoid this unique opportunity to glorify this contest with your presence.