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Basic information about the construction:
Construction: part of the building no. 1014, cadastral area Nové Město, Havlíčkova 2, Hybernská street, Prague 1, which is a registered immovable cultural monument in the Central List of Cultural Monuments and is located in the heritage reservation of the capital city of Prague
Owner: České dráhy, a.s.
Investor: Masaryk Station Development, a.s.
Technical supervision: Prague Invest s.r.o., PMD, s.r.o.
Designer: Tichý & Kolářová, s.r.o.
Construction contractor: Průmstav, a.s.
Construction company: A-Z Bau, s.r.o.
Roof covering manufacturer: PREFA Aluminiumprodukte s.r.o.
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