4th year of the HELIKA architectural competition, Světovar - cultural factory Pilsen
Publisher Pavlína Drbálková
25.04.2012 08:00
The architectural and design office HELIKA, a.s. is organizing the 4th year of an architectural-urban competition for university students on the topic of revitalization of the former Plzeň brewery Světovar. The subject of the competition is a conceptual design for the new use of the original buildings in the area of the former brewery, which will primarily serve cultural purposes within the framework of the Plzeň 2015 – European Capital of Culture project.
Student designs will be evaluated by a jury consisting of PhDr. Benjamin Fragner, MgA. Kateřina Melenová, and Akad.arch. Vladimír Kružík. The authors of the best designs will be financially rewarded – 1st place 35,000 CZK, 2nd place 25,000 CZK, and 3rd place 15,000 CZK. The competition takes place under the regular conditions of the Czech Chamber of Architects. The deadline for submitting designs is September 30, 2012. All information, competition conditions, and materials are published on the organizer's website http://www.helika.cz/#/aktuality/studentska-soutez.