We cordially invite you to a lecture by the visiting professor of FA ČVUT, Prof. Ing. arch. Mirko Baum, which is intended for the general public.
The series of lectures titled The World of Construction / Construction of the World consists of 11 lectures on the theory of the relationship between construction and form. The common denominator of the lectures, which are focused one third on theory and the rest on examples from the fields of technology, art, and architecture, is construction in its cultural and historical contexts. The topics partially stem from the book “The Street at the End of the World / Strasse am Ende der Welt”.
Each lecture will last 90 minutes. After each lecture, there will be time for discussion.
Block 2 will take place from April 1 to April 4, 2019, always at 6:00 PM in lecture halls no. 155 and no. 105.
2.05 Aerodynamics - design – architecture / April 1, 2019 (room no. 155) 2.06 Architecture of the Aluminum Age I / April 2, 2019 (room no. 105) 2.07 Architecture of the Aluminum Age II / April 3, 2019 (room no. 155) 2.08 Non-hierarchical Systems / April 4, 2019 (room no. 105)
The lectures will be in Czech and will take place in three blocks.