Two lectures in České Budějovice on the topic of parks and the city, this time in Kredance and the House of Art in the form of a picnic, supported by the O2 Think Big foundation.
March 7th at 18:00, Kredance / Michal Fišer - Parks
Four competitive designs for urban parks for four Czech cities will be presented by an architect for whom undeveloped space is just as valuable as developed space.
March 14th at 19:00, House of Art / Michal Kohout - Praise of Type
What is TYPE and what is ATYP, and what place do they have in the creation of quality built environments? Can TYPE be the foundation of a HOME? Is TYPICAL the same as TYPOLOGICAL? What is the difference between SIMPLE and BANAL? These and other questions will be addressed by a lecture that debates today’s established cliché of good architecture as something necessarily unusual. The lecture will be accompanied by a showcase of works documenting how the author partially atypically applies the "typical".