From the periphery to the center and back

Interview with David Chmelař

Interview with David Chmelař

Kateřina Lopatová
16.06.2010 20:00
David Chmelař
Chmelař architekti

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David Chmelař (*1978, Náchod)
1997-2003 FA ČVUT Praha
2001-2002 FS ČVUT Praha
1992-1997 VOŠS - SPŠS Náchod
od 1998 soukromá praxe
2001 Jiran Kohout architekti
1993-1999 Atelier Tsunami
David Chmelař is undoubtedly an exceptional figure in the Czech scene: he began drawing houses in elementary school, regularly attended practical training in an architectural studio during high school, and shortly after starting his studies at ČVUT, he began designing his own houses at the age of twenty, and five years later he rented his first office. However, his professional path also demonstrates that Czech architectural education is not prepared for such determined and motivated students...
| 23.06.10 10:32
Diky za prinosny rozhovor s clovekem, jehoz nazory jsou mi blizke. Preji hodne prace
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opravdu krasný članek s člověkem jehož názory sdílím.
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