Prof. ing. arch. Zdeněk Fránek (*1961 Boskovice) 1985 Faculty of Architecture, VUT in Brno 1989 founding Zdeněk Fránek architect + associates since 1994 intensively involved in teaching at universities 2008 habilitation (AVU) 2011 professorship (VŠUP) 2012 dean of the Faculty of Art and Architecture at the Technical University of Liberec |
Interest in his work does not wane even in times of economic downturn. He is the author of numerous residential and civic buildings both domestically and abroad; completed works include the CCC Gallery and villa in Beijing, prayer houses in Litomyšl and Černošice, the Eucon multifunctional building in Prague, gymnasium in Jaroměřice, or family houses in Plzeň, Brno, Prague, or Hodonín.
With the same commitment as his work in his own office, he also engages in teaching activities. In the past, he worked at the Faculty of Architecture, VUT in Brno; until recently, he taught at the Prague Archip and at the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Ostrava. At the Liberec Faculty, he leads a school studio—and at the beginning of this academic year, he also became the dean here...