<wanted>It wants to have heated vacuum tubes</wanted>

Interview with Jiří Knesl and Jakub Kynčl

<B></td></tr></table>Jiří Knesl</B> – *1968 Brno, FA VUT Brno 1991 <BR><B>Jakub Kynčl</B> – *1971 Brno, FA VUT Brno 1994<BR><BR> The office knesl + kynčl architects was founded in 2001. At the beginning of 2003, it was transformed from a loose association of architects into a limited liability company. The office is located in the Czech Republic in Brno and currently consists of about 20 architects and other collaborators. At one time, Jiří Knesl and Jakub Kynčl were among the most prominent figures at the Brno Faculty of Architecture. Choosing them as the leaders of studio work meant for the student to come to terms with a challenge that was not entirely common for this school at that time. They were preceded by a reputation for being demanding yet dedicated teachers – and this was evident in the works they led. The same was true during their long-term involvement in the academic senate or directly in the faculty's management. "When we do something, we want to do it wholeheartedly. We are willing to take on responsibility, but we also want to have the authority," recalls Jiří Knesl.
It is almost incomprehensible that alongside their work in the academic sphere, they were also fully dedicated to the operation of their own architectural office. It was only a few years ago that they began to focus exclusively on practice. Even here, each of their projects shows that they have high expectations for themselves, their colleagues, and undoubtedly also for their clients. Over the fifteen years of collaboration, the number of their projects is slowly approaching four hundred. Their thematic range extends from urban plans, through residential complexes, proposals for public spaces, to individual family houses, small buildings, interiors, and even graphics.
Until early March, it is possible to visit their exhibition Between the City and the House at the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, which stands out from other similarly focused exhibitions. Jakub Kynčl says: "We didn’t want a traditional architectural exhibition with posters, and at the same time, we are not visual artists to create some installation." Therefore, they preferred to select eight designs to showcase their way of thinking. The most suitable are competition projects, in which "the original idea is displayed in a crystalline form, not yet clouded by discussions, optimizations, the method of realization, etc." Compared to other exhibitions, visitors may also be surprised by the amount of text in which each proposal is placed in broader contexts. Other works of the knesl + kynčl architects studio are presented through several photographs in the foyer, an online presentation on two computers, and also in a newly published booklet-catalog. A pleasant highlight is the amusing illustrated commentaries by Jiří Knesl.
The day after the opening, we met with Jiří Knesl and Jakub Kynčl for an interview in their Brno studio. It stretched into the evening hours; however, even after our farewell, both headed to their colleagues to complete their ongoing work.
| 03.03.13 02:56
hlavně ten závěr mi opět dodal sil
Tak nevím,
| 04.03.13 12:20
vyplodit nápad, že Národní knihovna má být jako státní vlajka, která ještě bude mávat na přilétající cizince. a k příčinám zamrzlosti Jižního Brna řadit "přebujelý aktivismus". pánové mi přijdou takoví rádoby...
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