Znojmo - No developer has yet shown interest in purchasing the area under the City Forest in Znojmo and in building family and smaller apartment buildings. The city wanted to sell the land for at least 37 million crowns. Therefore, the city officials will now consider changing the conditions to attract investors to the potentially developmental area, spokesperson for Znojmo Zuzana Pastrňáková informed ČTK today.
"We were expecting interest from investors, as we see the area as one of the developmental locations both from the perspective of citizens and investors. For us, this is a signal that under the current conditions there is no interest. We will consider changing the conditions of the tender," said Pastrňáková.
The city hopes to create a residential neighborhood on four hectares under the City Forest. It would be bordered by Únanovská, Přímětická, and Trentská streets. Nearby is the city forest, and behind Únanovská is also the route of the planned bypass for transit traffic from Jihlava towards Austria. "There should be apartment buildings with a maximum of four floors containing approximately 110 apartments and 27 family houses," said mayor Vlastimil Gabrhel (ČSSD) earlier.
The city has previously commissioned an architectural study for the area, which envisages it being divided into two spatial units separated by public green spaces. "We want future investors to commit to adopting the prepared urban study," Gabrhel added.
The city is also working to prevent residents from leaving the city, a problem it has been facing for several years. According to the census, the population decreased from 2001 to 2011 by 1,700 to 34,078, and the decline continues. "We are struggling with the fact that people want to live in their own home, but the capacities of the center and its immediate surroundings are insufficient. This is to be one of the options to offer people housing in a house with their own land not far from the city center," Pastrňáková stated.