<h1>Call for Nominations for the ČKA Honor 2012</h1>
Source Markéta Pražanová / Česká komora architektů
Publisher Tisková zpráva
08.07.2012 18:15
The Czech Chamber of Architects calls on the professional public to submit nominations for the award of ČKA Honor 2012 to significant personalities in the field who have made a notable contribution to the modern history of Czech architecture through their work and moral credit. Deadline for submissions: by July 16, 2012 to the email: marketa.prazanova@cka.cc or by post: ČKA, Josefská 34/6, 118 00 Prague 1. Nominations for the award of the ČKA Honor can be submitted by all representatives of the professional public. Nominations must include a written justification of at least 15 lines, a list of the most significant works of the nominee, and one photograph of a significant realization or project. If the required documents are not submitted, the nomination will be excluded from consideration. Composition of the expert committee for ČKA Honor 2012: Václav Girsa, Petr Hájek, Viktor Rudiš, Svatopluk Sládeček, Jaroslav Wertig, substitute: Ivan Wahla.