The town of Vimperk is a historic town through which one of the branches of the trading Golden Path passed. Due to its location near the border with Bavaria, it underwent a significant demographic change in the 20th century, as well as in the areas of industrial and residential construction. The dominant feature of the town is the national cultural monument, the State Castle of Vimperk, owned by the National Heritage Institute, which has been undergoing a general reconstruction since 2018. Due to the morphology and configuration of the terrain, there has been no significant blending of old and modern buildings in the built-up area of the town. The town will soon need to address the modification of public spaces and repairs or renovation of its facilities, which are significant structures in the old part of the town due to their location and volumetric solutions. The debated topic is also the development of the town and its adjacent settlements. With a full awareness that these are important strategic decisions regarding the shaping of the town's appearance for the coming decades and centuries, the town of Vimperk is announcing a public tender for a city architect and is inviting you to submit an offer for the selection procedure for the position of city architect (external professional consultant) based on a concluded contract for professional assistance (contract for work) in the fields of architecture and urban planning within the administrative territory of the town of Vimperk. Please submit your application with the required attachments by May 10, 2019, personally to the registry office of the Vimperk City Hall, Steinbrenerova 6, Vimperk, or by post to the address of the Vimperk City Hall.