Prague is hosting a discussion about the New European Bauhaus
Source Marek Vácha, IPR Praha
Publisher Tisková zpráva
08.06.2021 16:15
The capital city of Prague, in cooperation with the Institute of Planning and Development of the Capital City of Prague (IPR), is organizing a discussion today, Wednesday, June 9, 2021, at the Center for Urban Planning and Architecture (CAMP) starting at 7:00 PM about the flagship project of the European Commission called the New European Bauhaus. Its aim is to create a space for meetings where new ways of living honoring the commitments of the European Green Deal, namely carbon neutrality by 2050, will be proposed. The project, whose name refers to one of the most significant schools of art, design and architecture of the 20th century, has ambitious goals. It aims for a sustainable Europe that simultaneously promotes inclusivity and aesthetics. The project is based on the principle of cooperation among people from various fields, whether they are engineers, scientists, artists, designers, entrepreneurs, or architects at the national, European, and global levels. “The New Bauhaus can be an accelerator for initiatives that are already happening in our city, connecting them with the European Green Deal. I believe that improving the quality of life can be achieved through gradual strategic steps and the involvement of citizens, businesses, artists, and researchers in new forms of collaboration, thereby implementing the New European Bauhaus at the local level,” stated the Mayor of the Capital City of Prague, Zdeněk Hřib. Therefore, the New European Bauhaus brings the European Green Deal into the realm of housing and calls for collective effort that will lead to the design and implementation of a sustainable and inclusive future, in which we will feel good and which will also have a beautiful appearance. “At the school, we are preparing young people in an international environment in the field of architecture and urbanism, which carries the three main themes of the New European Bauhaus program in its DNA. Without well-functioning and broad cooperation, valuable projects do not emerge. The term "valuable" has always meant a combination of the artistic, technical, and technological aspects of the project, and sustainability certainly belongs there,” said Regina Loukotová, rector of ARCHIP. “To significantly reduce its climate impact and at the same time become a more accessible and beautiful city, Prague will need close cooperation among experts from many different disciplines and sectors, mutual communication between citizens and politicians, and inspiration from other Czech and European cities. I am glad that the New European Bauhaus provides us with another opportunity and space for such connections to be created,” added Petr Škvařil from ImpactHub. “I am pleased that the first major event for the New European Bauhaus initiative is taking place at IPR in the Center for Architecture and Urban Planning. Prague thus becomes one of the European metropolises actively participating in the public debate about the future and sustainable development of cities,” adds Ondřej Boháč, director of IPR.
The discussion will feature: Zdeněk Hřib, Mayor of the Capital City of Prague Petr Škvařil, ImpactHub Soňa Jonášová, Institute of Circular Economy Regina Loukotová, Czech Chamber of Architects Jan Lukačevič – NATO 2030 Young Leaders Pavla Pelčíková, IPR