Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic Heritage Inspection For the attention of Ing. Miroslava Mašková Milady Horákové 139 160 00 Prague 6
Subject: Suggestion for Investigation of the Use of the National Cultural Monument Klementinum
In Prague, on May 9, 2007
Dear Madam,
We are writing to you with this suggestion, as the subject of the oversight of the Heritage Inspection also includes activities related to the protection, restoration, and social application of cultural monuments, where the inspection evaluates the utilization and accessibility of cultural monuments and applies societal interests in the restoration and utilization of these monuments.
If the owner (user) of a cultural monument is obliged to use the monument only in a manner that corresponds with its cultural-political significance and monument value, then for a monument owned by the state, the relevant organization and its supervisory body (in this case, the Ministry of Culture) must additionally create all necessary prerequisites for fulfilling the aforementioned obligations, this certainly applies even more to national cultural monuments.
The Klementinum complex in Prague, which is currently managed by the National Library of the Czech Republic, will gradually be vacated (at least partially) by library institutions (STK, NK). At the same time, some activities within this monument are already being transferred to private entities based on contracts between the NK and these individuals (unnecessarily for a period up to the maximum limit allowed by the law on the management of state property, i.e., for 8 years). The public may be outraged, for example, by the current use of commercial space on the left side of the entrance to Klementinum from Karlova Street, where there was recently a reputable bookstore, now common merchandise is sold here, found in all surrounding "shops": so-called Czech glass, watches, Bavarian mugs, baseball caps, and similar tasteless goods; tourists are lured here by "Discounts", etc.; all of this just a meter away from the sign "National Cultural Monument Klementinum".
In the so-called Priorities of the NK and in newly published plans, some ideas for the future utilization of the Klementinum complex by the NK are outlined, associated with construction interventions, which raise doubts about whether they are in line with the mission of the NK according to its Statute, which does not anticipate such activities. There is also the question of whether these activities can be ensured for the NK by another entity, as apart from the obligations under the mentioned heritage legislation, the NK Statute states that the matter (thus also the property: Klementinum) or part thereof, which the NK manages, may be entrusted for use to a legal or natural person in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and under the conditions established by a special law governing the management of state property, if it is not in conflict with its cultural mission (the aforementioned "shop" is certainly in such conflict in our opinion), when there may be doubts regarding compliance with Act No. 219/2000 Coll., on the property of the Czech Republic (the possibility of leasing due to more economical use, but only while maintaining the main purpose for which the matter serves, etc. - selling tasteless trinkets has certainly nothing to do with the main purpose of the NK).
Furthermore, the mentioned Priorities discuss the establishment of a summer café, which is intended to serve the needs of tourist traffic. The current General Reading Room (former summer refectory) is to be part of the tourist tour routes and is to serve as a conference hall, according to the press, also for good parking possibilities, as the Priorities mention, for example, the establishment of two-story underground garages directly in the Klementinum complex, etc.
Therefore, we believe it is appropriate to verify - the conditions under which the current management of the building (NK) entrusts the operation of parts of the building to third parties, for what purposes, and whether such purposes are in accordance with both Act No. 20/1987 Coll. and the Statute of the NK (particularly respecting the utilization of the monument in accordance with its cultural-political significance and monument value), for instance, in the case of the "shop" on Karlova Street, etc., - the plans for the use of spaces so far used for the needs of the NK in the future, with the same focus as in the previous point, i.e. both in terms of the risks associated with construction modifications and especially in terms of fulfilling the obligation to use the national cultural monument in accordance with its cultural-political significance.
We also believe that the somewhat outdated expression "compliance with cultural-political significance" should be understood as such use of the monument which, as much as possible (and in the case of Klementinum, this is undoubtedly possible), honors and preserves the original purpose and meaning of the monument. The Klementinum was built as an academy, i.e., a higher education institution with a college, lecture halls, etc.; regular university education took place here even during the First Republic; subsequently, the entire complex was gradually adapted for library operation, which continued to be connected with university life. Therefore, we believe that plans that anticipate predominantly tourist use, with a café, renting for conferences, etc., and leasing to private institutions (mentioning, for example, the PEN Club, the Publishers' Association, the V. Havel Library, etc.) may precisely in this regard be in conflict with heritage interests, which, by their nature, cannot be focused merely on the protection and conservation of the material condition of monuments, but must certainly also regulate their use, especially in the case of cultural monuments declared by the government as national. Moreover, when it comes to state ownership, we believe that the effectiveness of enforcing the aforementioned legal requirements, which are now (e.g., in the case of the mentioned "shop") seemingly being sidelined, can be maximized.
We would be grateful for any information or report on the indicated matter and remain with regards.
Mgr. Adam Křístek
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