Film with introduction 17.01.12, 6 PM Goethe-Institut, 2nd floor In German with Czech subtitles
Directed by: Julia Albrecht & Busso von Müller, D 2008, 133 Min. The documentary "Shanghai Fiction“tells the story of four people from different social strata and varying ages from contemporary Shanghai. We meet a trader, a seasonal worker, a university professor, and a German architect. By intertwining everyday observations and memories of each character, a portrait of this vibrant metropolis emerges, shedding light on China’s social and economic rise.
Introduction: contemporary architecture of Shanghai
Mg.A. Vendula Šafářová A graduate in architecture from VŠUP under Professor Jiřičná and Professor Fišer, she lived and worked for 3 and a half years as an architect-designer at the Canadian firm Allied Architects International in Shanghai, which primarily focuses on commercial architecture. She is interested in conceptual and experimental architecture, as well as interior design, having previously worked on projects for the clubs Mecca and Roxy. She is currently promoting her research on architectural design at the Institute of Theory and History of Architecture at CTU. She works as an external assistant at the Department of Architecture at VŠB-TU Ostrava.