Emscher Park vol. II - sightseeing trip of FSv CTU
Source Martin Stibor, Fakulty stavební ČVUT
Publisher Tisková zpráva
22.06.2020 14:15
The Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague, is organizing a regular trip from September 7 to September 13, 2020, which is planned this year to Germany, specifically to North Rhine-Westphalia. The icon of this federal state and also our destination is the industrial belt area of buildings and sites along the River Emscher. As every year, the trip is organized by bus with several stops and a prepared guide. The price for students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU is 7200 CZK. Please send information and applications as soon as possible to martin.stibor@fsv.cvut.cz. Capacity is limited! Based on the binding application, additional information will be sent to you (especially regarding the deposit payment due by the end of June).