Hamburg in Prague

Photographic invitation to the exhibition project of the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery

Tisková zpráva
Kateřina Lopatová
15.10.2010 08:30

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The exhibition project Hamburg in Prague / Contemporary Architecture of Hamburg builds on a trio of exhibitions prepared by the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery in June of this year in the exhibition spaces of this German port metropolis under the title Prag in Hamburg.
Currently, GJF presents to the Prague public several selected works created by prominent architects for Hamburg – including both individual projects and implementations, as well as the unique construction development that began in HafenCity ten years ago.
The project takes place on the occasion of the completion of two decades of partnership between the cities of Hamburg and Prague and presents a total of four exhibitions: two are located in the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery (running until December 5), while interested parties can find the other two in the Kotelna Karlín Gallery (until October 31).
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