Two-round (anonymous in the first round, non-anonymous in the second round) public (conceptual in the first round, project-based in the second round) architectural competition.
Organizer Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, authorized representative of the organizer Ing. Tomáš Kryl, Ph.D. Loretánské nám. 101/5 118 00 Prague 1 - Hradčany
Competition Secretary STIS Construction and Engineering Company, Ltd. - Mgr. Ing. Jan Drobný - lawyer Národní třída 10, 110 00 Prague 1 tel.: 224 951 447 e-mail:
Subject of the competition Preparation of an architectural design for the construction of a new building for the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, D.C., USA, which will be realized after the demolition of the existing building of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, D.C.
Jury Regular jury members
Prof. Ing. arch. Miroslav Masák
Ing. arch. Jiří Žentel
Doc. Ing. arch. Zdeněk Fránek
Ing. arch. Viktor Rudiš
Ing. Jan Šarboch
Ing. Jan Malý
PhDr. Petr Kolář
Substitutes of the jury
Ing. arch. Eva Špačková
Ing. arch. Eva Eichlerová
Ing. Tomáš Kryl, Ph.D.
Ing. arch. Jan Mudra
Prizes and rewards
1st prize: 600,000 CZK
2nd prize: 450,000 CZK
3rd prize: 300,000 CZK
Total of 1,350,000 CZK. Participants in the competition who advance to the 2nd round will receive a uniform contribution for the preparation of their proposal amounting to 120,000 CZK.
Date of competition announcement: June 19, 2009
Deadline for submitting questions: until July 31, 2009
Deadline for answering questions: until August 10, 2009
Date of submission of competition proposals: September 25, 2009, by 4 PM (1st round), February 8, 2010 (2nd round)
Date of jury evaluation meeting: October 2009 (1st round), February 2010 (2nd round)