<p>Lead Dušan 2017 - invitation to the announcement</p>
Source Spolek posluchačů architektury při FA ČVUT
Publisher Tisková zpráva
22.03.2017 07:40
The Students' Association of Architecture Students at the Faculty of Architecture CTU presents the twenty-fourth edition of the Lead Dušan, a cult competition for the best student projects and studios. The Lead Dušan statuette is awarded annually by an independent jury composed of leading Czech architects and designers. The gala evening, which will include the ceremonial announcement of the results of the Lead Dušan 2017, will take place on March 23, 2017, at the Heroes' Studio. During the evening, nominated projects and studios will be presented and awarded in two fields: Architecture and Design. The works of the nominated and awarded projects and studios will be exhibited at the NTK, where they will be on display from March 24 to April 18, 2017. At the same time, with the end of the exhibition on April 18, 2017, a public discussion with invited jurors, representatives of the FA management, and students will take place at the NTK regarding the results of the competition. The following have accepted the invitation to the jury:
Architecture: Ing. Acad. arch. Jan Šépka Ing. arch. Matěj Draslar Ing. arch. Pavel Buryška Ing. arch. Lenka Míková Ing. arch. Lukáš Brom
Design: Ondřej Krynek Jan Činčera MgA. Šimon Brabec
Ticket pre-sales will take place from Monday, March 6, 2016, in the SPA office (441) in the building of the Faculty of Architecture CTU, Thákurova 9, Prague 6.
The ticket price is 150 CZK. The ticket price includes the OD catalog. The capacity of the hall is limited.