New school for Psáry and Dolní Jirčany - competition results
Source Igor Kovačević, CCEA
Publisher Tisková zpráva
13.02.2014 23:45
"The position of the school is always a significant investment that takes place, for example, once every 200-300 years. Our existing school dates back to 1693 and in the past, only partial modifications and minor adjustments have occurred."
Mayor of the municipality Milan Vácha
The two-round architectural competition took place from September 4, 2013. Out of 61 submitted proposals, 8 were from abroad. The goal was to design a nine-year elementary school for the municipality of Psáry with 5000 inhabitants. A form of elementary school for the 21st century was sought, in the suburban environment around the capital city of Prague. The building was expected to achieve not only the program's requirements but primarily to strengthen the image of the municipality. This is not only because the new school will be located at the symbolic entrance to the municipality from Prague but also considering that this building will take on a significant part of the public life of the municipality. Whether it involves a municipal library, which will be combined with a school library, a gymnasium that serves as a meeting place for the entire municipality, or is rented for smaller sports teams. In addition to addressing the school and its role in the image of the municipality, it was necessary to consider the connection to the historical center, defining the relationship of the school building to the municipality, the village square, and the church. It was necessary to reflect on the image of the town and the school as a public building. Work with the existing public space, the current village square, while considering the nature of new spaces that the school will connect to. The school should thus also respond to contemporary forms and shapes of public space. The jury evaluating the architectural proposals consisted of Ing.arch. Oldřich Hájek – chairman of the jury, Ing.arch. Pavel Joba, and Ing.arch. Michal Kuzemenský, Milan Vácha - mayor of the municipality, and Ing. Antonín Rak – municipal representative. The substitutes for the jury were Ing.arch. Martin Frei and Lucie Kubalošová - municipal representative of Psáry. The jury decided on the winner at the turn of January and February 2014.
After the competition concluded, we asked the jury members two questions. How do you feel about the competition? What was the most valuable experience for you from the competition?
"While judging the competition for the new School for Psáry and Dolní Jirčany, I was pleasantly surprised by the great interest of the architectural community in this competition and also by the excellent understanding of the issues related to school buildings in a number of proposals. This was positively reflected primarily in the effort to enhance the quality of the environment for children's education. Unfortunately, I was disappointed by the second round, where most of the selected participants showed almost no qualitative progress compared to the first round. In this competition, I reaffirmed that it is right to announce competitions for ideas, not to prove the ability to develop a project. Only those architects can be successful in the competition who can clearly and legibly communicate their idea and appropriately engage the jury with their concept."
Ing.arch. Oldřich Hájek – chairman of the jury
"First impression: amazement and humility when I saw how many architects devoted so much energy to creating so many proposals. First critical moment: when we eliminated a participant simply because they submitted their competition proposal 20 minutes after the deadline. I found it terribly unfair that we had to do this just because we would have faced protests for violating the rules and favoring someone. A terrible pity. Second critical moment: when we had to eliminate one participant from the last six. I liked the solution of the sixth one, and in my opinion, they belonged among the top five. Third critical moment: when we had to decide who is first, who is second, and who is third. We rightly took the night to think it over. Even so, it was another difficult decision for me to change my mind and vote differently. Feelings from the competition? Well done work, from the announcement, organization, evaluation process, to the presentation of the results. A great experience. Humility, the ability to collaborate, listen, express opinions, and make decisions. A lot of energy from everyone and the final feeling that the top three are the best. Most valuable experience? Architects are not fools, and such competitions can really work."
Ing. Antonín Rak – dependent juror after the competition
"I have a very good feeling from the competition. I consider it to be well-organized, which is evident in the course and the results. An even more important reason for my good feeling is the willingness of both parts of the jury, both dependent and independent, to understand each other, to listen to one another. If the expert part of the jury does not listen to the practical concerns of the issuer, the competition will not fulfill its purpose. The purpose of the competition is to realize the best possible building, not to select the most effective images. For me, the competition was part of reflecting on what a public contract is today. It is a certain level of humility and modesty that does not exclude creativity. Likewise, the experience that not a few architects do not know how to estimate this level."
Ing.arch. Michal Kuzemenský – independent juror
From the 61 proposals, the following participants advanced to the second round: MEPRO s.r.o., Znamení čtyř – architects s.r.o., AND, spol s.r.o, RAP partners s.r.o. and the team of architect Vojtěch Sosna. In the second round evaluation, the jury met on January 24, 25, and February 3, 2014, and awarded the following prizes:
First prize was awarded to the proposal with the serial number 43 RAP partners s.r.o. – authors’ team: Ing.arch. Ondřej Píhrt, Ing.arch. Mojmír Ranný, Ing.arch. Štefan Šulek, Ing.arch. Ondřej Laciga, Bc. Filip Rašek and Ing.arch. Pavel Směták
Two reduced second prizes were awarded to: the proposal with the serial number 27 Mepro s.r.o. – authors’ team: Ing.arch. Ivan Březina, Ing.arch. Martin Březina, Ing.arch. Václav Matějka, and Ing.arch. Eva Šarochová and the proposal with the serial number 28 Znamení Čtyř – Architects s.r.o. – authors’ team: Ing.arch. Juraj Matula, Ing.arch. Richard Sidej, and Ing.arch. Martin Tycar
The jury decided to award two second prizes due to the fact that both proposals, despite minor deficiencies, are considered equivalent and capable of realization.