The municipal district of Prague - Zbraslav announced an urban planning competition for the Sluneční město area

Městská část Praha - Zbraslav
Tisková zpráva
10.08.2009 17:20

The public urban planning competition for the development area known as the Sun City was announced on Monday, August 10, 2009, by the Prague – Zbraslav District. The competition, which has been endorsed by the Czech Chamber of Architects, is intended for all architects and urban planners meeting the qualification requirements. Contestants are to provide solutions for the area in question with the aim of enhancing its value and creating a vision for the development of the territory by 2030/2040. Emphasis is placed on public space, green areas, leisure activities, services, and civic amenities. In addition to two representatives of the district, the jury will consist of three independent renowned architects: Architect Petr Hájek, Architect Jakub Kynčl, and Architect Ivan Vavřík.

“The competition is conceptual and, for the purpose of verifying the proposed modules, is conducted in two rounds. The first round is anonymous for the contestants,” explains Mgr. Renata Hůrková, the mayor of the Prague – Zbraslav District. “In organizing the competition and formulating the competition conditions and its goals, we drew on the experience of colleagues from other cities and municipalities. We are convinced that an architectural, or rather urban planning competition is the most sophisticated way to achieve a truly high-quality concept that we will translate into the regulatory plan for the given locality.” Competition conditions and all necessary materials can be found by interested parties on the Zbraslav website (, with information also available on the website of the Czech Chamber of Architects ( Submission of proposals for the first round of the competition ends on October 16, 2009.

The idea to organize an urban planning competition arose from the local council's dissatisfaction with the situation in the Sun City area. The heterogeneous development, consisting on one side of new residential buildings, large gaps, and debris, and on the other side of an older residential neighborhood with several stand-alone structures, offers significant potential.
According to Ing. Ondřej Hofmeister from the building committee, however, the results of the competition cannot be anticipated: “We are also curious about what the contestants will come up with. It might be a plan for gradual development, or perhaps planting greenery in all open spaces. Our only requirement is space for civic amenities, specifically for a kindergarten.” It is precisely at the ideal location and solution for the kindergarten that the finalists advancing to the second round will demonstrate the functionality of their proposed projects and modules.
The number of contestants is not limited. In addition to graphic designs that include a new situation or perspective from the pedestrian's viewpoint, architects will also submit a textual report. The outputs will give the jurors a clear idea of the intent of the competition proposal.
The winner of the entire urban planning competition is to be announced before Christmas. The authors of the proposal that comes in first place will receive a reward of 250,000 CZK. The second place will receive 120,000 CZK, and the third place 100,000 CZK. The jury may also distribute an additional 100,000 CZK in special awards. The competition organizer, the Prague – Zbraslav District, will hold an exhibition of the most thought-provoking competition proposals at the beginning of 2010. The Capital City of Prague contributed 600,000 CZK towards the organization of the competition.

A two-round public competition in the first round, and a non-anonymous conceptual urban competition in the second round

MČ Praha-Zbraslav, represented by Ing. Renata Hůrková – Mayor of the City
Zbraslavské náměstí 464, 156 00 Praha - Zbraslav

Competition Secretary
Jiří Hlinka - Smart Communication s.r.o.
Vysočanská 312/11, 190 00, Praha 9 – Vysočany
tel./fax: 283 882 082 / 272 657 121, mobile: 602 226 913, email:

Subject of the competition
Preparation of an urban planning solution for the area of Sun City in Zbraslav with the aim of enhancing the territory and creating a vision for its development by 2030/2040, with emphasis on public space, including space for greenery, leisure activities, services, and civic amenities. The author(s) of the winning proposal may be invited to prepare documentation for the regulatory plan for the area in question.

Regular jury members
  • Ing. Renata Hůrková
  • Ing. arch. Ondřej Hofmeister
  • Ing. arch. Ivan Vavřík
  • Ing. akad. arch. Petr Hájek
  • Doc. ing. arch. Jakub Kynčl Ph.D
Jury alternates
  • Ing. Dagmar Kobylková
  • Ing. Zuzana Vejvodová
  • Ing. arch. Jiří Knesl
  • Ing. arch. Pavla Pannová
Anticipated prizes and awards
  • 1st prize is set at 250,000 CZK
  • 2nd prize is set at 120,000 CZK
  • 3rd prize is set at 100,000 CZK
  • Participants of the competition who advance to the second round and whose proposal is accepted for proper evaluation by the jury in the second round and are not awarded, will be rewarded with 5,000 CZK.
  • For proposals that are not awarded but provided noteworthy partial suggestions and solutions, a total amount of 100,000 CZK is set aside for possible distribution as awards.
I. round
  • Date of competition announcement: August 10, 2009
  • Deadline for submission of questions: August 21, 2009
  • Deadline for answering questions: August 28, 2009
  • Date for submission of competition proposals: October 16, 2009
  • Date of jury evaluation meeting: from October 19 to October 23, 2009
II. round
  • Date of competition announcement: October 30, 2009
  • Deadline for written confirmation of participation by invited participants: by November 6, 2009
  • Deadline for submission of questions: November 13, 2009
  • Deadline for answering questions: November 24, 2009
  • Date for submission of competition proposals: December 4, 2009
  • Date of jury evaluation meeting: from December 7 to December 11, 2009
> You can find competition conditions and materials on the website MČ Praha-Zbraslav
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