Bc. Ondřej Štěpán (5th year) – Contemplative Island on the Vltava River
atelier: Ing.arch Antonín Novák / assistant: Ing.arch. Vladimír Balda
Source x-fatul
Publisher Tisková zpráva
13.06.2012 16:10
Phenomenon Island Contemporary cities are seeking new development areas. One of the reserves of the city of Prague is the Vltava River. However, it is essential to keep in mind that the Vltava is a public space, not a plot for permanent development. The Vltava River is an inseparable part of Prague. The number of islands in the Prague section of the Vltava created a "threshold" over which important trade routes passed. The shape and number of these islands have changed over time. Their use has also evolved. New islands have emerged while old ones have disappeared. Many of them remain nameless, vanished, and forgotten. However, the potential of Prague's islands is still underutilized. Each student will verify their own solution based on analyses. Islands can be revitalized, separated, or newly created. Proposals could include a park, swimming pool, market, school, monastery, or an entire neighborhood...