Další stavby
Nihonbashi 1-Chome Building, Tokio, Japonsko, 2004
International Terminal, Philadelphia International Airport, Philadelphia, PA, 2003
William H. Gates Hall, University of Washington Law School, Seattle, WA, 2003
Engineering Centers Building, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 2002
IBM Corporate Headquarters, Armonk, NY, 1997
Samsung Rodin Museum, Soul, Jižní Korea, 1996
The World Bank, Washington, DC, 1996
Buffalo Niagara International Airport, Buffalo, NY, 1995
Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai, Čína, 1995
IBM Canadian HQ, 1250 Boulevard René Levésque, Montreal, Kanada, 1992
Federal Reserve Bank, Dallas, TX, 1992
The Carwill House, Stratton, VT, 1989
Rockefeller Plaza West, New York, NY, 1989
Station Center, White Plains, NY, 1987