
Georg W. Reinberg

*1950Wien, Austria
Lindengasse 39/10, A-1070 Wien
+43 (0)1 524 82 80
+43 (0)1 524 82 80
Hlavní obrázek
Architect Georg Wolfgang Reinberg, born in 1950, is based in Vienna. He was a student at Vienna Technical University and Syracuse University (NY, USA) and received grants from Schütte and Fulbright. Between 1983 and 1986 Architect Reinberg worked as University assistant under Professor Anton Schweighofer at Vienna Technical University. Since 1980 he has been working as an independent planner and has been running a “Ziviltechnikerbüro” since 1985. Since 1983 he has also been engaged in “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Reinberg, Treberspurg” which in 1990 was expanded to “Arge Reinberg, Treberspurg, Raith” (until 1994). The office of Reinberg, which at present employs a staff of 14, is both working on design as well as detailed planning and construction management and has been working on 220 ecologically oriented projects so far, 70 of which have been implemented. In connection with these projects Reinberg has engaged in various research activities and has won numerous competitions. He has taught at Solarbauschule Vorarlberg (1994 and 95), Vienna Technical University (1995 and 96), Graz Technical University (since 1999), Università degli Studi della Basilicata Italy (2001-2002) and as a visiting professor since 1997 at the Danube University in Krems (Solar Architecture).
Architect Reinberg runs his office together with his wife Architect Martha Enriquez. He has three children: Nikolaus (29 years), Florian (25 years) and Maria (13 years).

Realizations and projects

Another buildings
Obytný soubor, Hofjägerstrasse, Vídeň, 1991-2001
Dům s pečovatelskou službou, St.Pölten, 1996-2000
Rodinný dům, Maria Enzersdorf, 2000-01
Rekonstrukce a dostavba domu, Wollzeile, Vídeň, 1999-2005
Požární stanice, Tattendorf, 2000-02
Ekocentrum, Hostětín,  2002-06
Sídlo firmy Sonnenkraft, St.Veit/Glan, 2001-02
Obytný soubor, Thürnlhofstrasse, Vídeň, 2003-06

Landeskulturpreis Niederösterreich
Landeskulturpreis Burgenland
NÖ Holzbaupreis
cena Fassa Bartolo za udržitelnou architekturu