Permanent exhibition Museum of Literature

Literature Museum

Permanent exhibition Museum of Literature
Address: Pelléova 44/22, Bubeneč, Prague, Czech Republic

Collaboration: Karel Scheib, ANTA spol. s.r.o., Petra Karlová
Authors of artistic interventions: Jakub Jansa, Vladimír Houdek, Andrea Culková, Jakub Deml, Zdeněk Durdil
Team of curators led by Alena Petruželková
The winning competition proposal for the new permanent exhibition of Museum of Czech literature actualizes the principles of long-term exhibitions through the needs of a contemporary visitor. Individual themes of the exhibition are architecturally articulated into the spaces of a 1920s villa. By removing the doors a fluid space is created. Dramaturgy of the visitors’ movement determines spatial ratios, floor heights, widths or narrowness of passes, materials, color and lighting schemes. Each theme has a specific visual / architectural code, developing the substance of the topic and creating a logical sequence of the exhibits. The code is inscribed in the video projections in the hallway where all the themes meet. Projection areas serve as a space for contemporary interventions or expansions of the more traditional exhibition areas through temporary shows.
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