DOV Ostrava Argicultural Museum

Food and Agricultural Machinery Museum

DOV Ostrava Argicultural Museum
Coauthor: Martin Šraml
Address: Vítkovice 3033, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Investor:Národní zemědělské muzeum, s.p.o.
Completion:2019 - 17.9.2020
Area:6000 m2
Price:120 000 000 CZK

A pair of halls, the so-called Veronikárny, were intended for demolition. The Dolnovítkovice park was to be expanded in their place. A group of enthusiasts for the construction of the Agricultural Museum in Ostrava convinced me and Mr. Jan Světlík that this is a good idea and that it will be worth preserving the halls.
On January 23. 2016 I drew the first idealized idea with a third hall levitating in the air. Enthusiasts liked it. The design was entrusted to Ing. Milan Šraml from the Vítkovice design group. Then I created several sketches, according to which the project and implementation were created. Milan Šraml has done so much work that he is definitely a co-author. However, there was little money for implementation, so there can be no question of perfection of execution. It was saved everywhere. Nevertheless, the result is nice, it is very close to rough sketches.
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