Giardin Housing Complex

Giardin Housing Complex
The sprawling village of Samedan has a compact, almost urban core, surrounded by occasional dwellings that comprise a looser structure. A detached family residence and an apartment building with family units were built on the border between these two characteristic features.
Very soon the idea emerged of terracing the slope - a practice that has been common in this locality for centuries. On three parallel terraces rising one behind the other on the incline, there are three structures, each with a slightly trapezoid ground plan and an underground garage. The tower-like, five-storey apartment building with family units occupies the highest level and thrones over the buildings at its feet.
Local traditional construction methods are reflected in the narrow alleys between the houses and the asymmetrical arrangement of the window openings; tower-like structures are also traditional in Samedan.
The buildings were constructed of dyed stamped concrete, which lends them an air of solidity. Their colours harmonise well with the locality‘s historic stone and plaster buildings.
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