1961 - diplom z architektury na Manchester University
1968-83 - spolupráce s R."Bucky" Fullerem na projektech
1961-62 - stipendium Henry Fellowship ke studiu na Yale University, New Haven, CO
1963 - společně s W. Cheeseman, Richardem Rogersem a G. Wolton zakládá Team 4
1967 - společně se svojí ženou zakládá Foster Associates (1970-75 spol. M. Hopkinsem)

Norman Foster vystudoval urbanismus a architekturu na univetzitě v Manchesteru. Po získání diplomu (1961) obdžel stipendium na renomované Yale University v New Havenu (Connecticut) a získal Master's degree.
Po návratu do Anglie založil se svou manželkou Wendy a manželi Sue a Richard Rogersovými architektonickou kancelář Team 4. Vzniklo několik projektů, například Mews-Houses v Londýně (1965) a elektrotechnický závod Reliance Controls Limited ve Wiltshire (1964-66). Již zde se pokusil Foster poukázat použitím modulových stavebních dílů a pohyblivých příček na budoucí potřeby v projektování. V roce 1967 rozšířil kancelář o další partnery. Foster Associates pak postavili námořní přístav pro lodní společnost Freda Olsena v londýnských docích (1970-71) a správní budovu firmy Willis Faber & Dumas v Ipswichu (1974-75), jejíž fasáda sestává z desek skla bez rámů. Při halové stavbě Sainsbury Centra pro výtvarné umění v Norwichi (1978) byla uložena nosná konstrukce společně se zavětrovacím systémem na dvojitěskořepinovém vnějším plášti. Pro anglickou výrobní centrálu firmy Renault byla vyvinuta roku 1981 konstrukce z dutých sloupů s vyztuženými zalomenými kovovými nosníky, zdůrazněná světle žlutým zářícím nátěrem. Mistrovským dílem v preciznosti a technice se stala výšková stavba Hongkong and Shanghai Bank v Hongkongu realizovaná během pouhých pěti let (1981-86). Foster Associates čítali v roce dokončení asi 160 spolupracovníků. V roce 2006 už jeho kancelář čítá 600 zaměstanaců.
Posledním, pravděpodobně nejvýznamnějším, projektem Foster Associates je Millenium Tower určená pro japonskou Osaku. Tato kuželová jehla se bude po dokončení tyčit do úctyhodných 850m a stane se suverénně nejvyšší stavbou světa. Lidstvo tak vkročí do dalšího tisíciletí své existence i významným mezníkem na poli architektury, jehož otcem není nikdo jiný než Sir Norman Foster.
Jan Kratochvíl,1999

Realizace a projekty

Další stavby
Regeneration Project, Spitalfields Markets, 2001
Kancelářská budova, Green Park, Reading, 2001
Centrica, Edinburgh, Veká Británie, 2001
Office and Retail Development, Lime Street, 2001
Bexley Business Academy, 2001
Selfridges, Oxford Street, Londýn, 2000
Asprey Shop Design, Londýn, 2000
Imperial College Tanaka Business School, 2000
Urban Splash, Mixed Use Development, Manchester, 2000
Paramatta Transport Interchange, Australie, 2000
Kancelářská budova Farnborough, Hampshire, 2000
Convention Centre, Perth, Austrálie 2000
Urbanistický plán Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, 2000
Sitooterie, Belsay Hall, Northumberland, 2000
Dostihové závodiště, Fairlop, Východní Londýn, 2000
Hlavní sídlo firmy Cisco Systems, Mnichov, 2000
Hlavní sídlo firmy Demag, Dusseldorf, 2000
Elephant and Castle Masterplan, Londýn*, 2000
New Supreme Court Singapore*, 2000
Clark Center, Stanford University, USA, 1999-2001
Stožáry el. vedení pro ENEL, Italy*, 1999
Sanitární technicka pro Duravit, Německo, 1999-2001
Musée Quai Branly, Paříž, Francie, 1999
Urbanistický plán Ferensway, Hull, 1999
Urbanistický plán Museum of Fine Arts, Boston*, 1999
Byty a rozšíření hotelu, Zuoz, Švýcarsko, 1999
Tattersalls Stand for Newbury Racecourse, Berkshire, 1999-2000
Kancelářská budova Walbrook, Londýn, 1999
Výstava 'Modern Britain 1929-39' - Design Museum, Londýn, 1999
Anthony D'Offay Gallery, Londýn, 1999
Urban. plán pro Granton, Edinburgh, Velká Británie, 1999
Byty a smíšené funkce, Albion Wharf, Battersea, 1999-2003
Dubai Cultural Centre, 1998
Design dveřních klik pro Fusital, 1998
Design kancel. potřeb pro Helit, 1998-2001
Petronas University, Malaysia, 1998-2002
Soutěž pro Uffizi, Florencie, Itálie, 1998
Metropolitan office development for Hines, Varšava, Polsko, 1998-2003
Hlavní budova HSBC, Canary Wharf, Londýn, Anglie, 1998-2002
TAG McLaren - výzkumné a vývojové centrum, Woking, Anglie,1998-2002
Rekonstrukce hlavního nádraží, Wiener Platz, Drážďany, Německo, 1998-2004
More London Bridge, Masterplan, Anglie, 1998-2002
Flowers Building, Multi-Disciplinary Research Facility, Imperial College, 1997-2001
Svítidlo pro Artemide, 1997
Room control device for Weidmuller, 1997
Albion Riverside Mixed Use Development, Battersea, Londýn, 1997-2003
Masterplan for Durban, Jižní Afrika, 1997
Kancelářská budova Parkview, Singapur, 1997
Urbanistický plán Vídně, Rakousko, 1997
Expo Station, Singapur, 1997-2001
Urbanistický plán Madridu, Španělsko, 1997
126 Phillip Street, Sydney, Australie, 1997-2005
Headquarters for JCDecaux, Brentford, Anglie, 1997-2000
Headquarters for Electronic Arts, Chertsey, Anglie*, 1997-2000
Regional Music Centre, Gateshead, Anglie*, 1997-2003
Moor House offices, City of London, 1997
Kancelářská budova Finsbury Square, Londýn, Anglie, 1997-2001
Bytovky Rialto, Wandsworth, Londýn, 1997
Feasibility Study for the Roundhouse, Camden, Londýn, 1997
Green Park Business Park for the Prudential, Berkshire, Anglie, 1997-2000
Obchodní dům Selfridges, Glasgow, 1997
Kancelářská budova Wood Street, City of London, 1996-2000
World Squares for All Master Plan for Central London*, 1996-
Millennium Bridge, Londýn, Anglie*, 1996-2000
Koncept čerpacích stanic Repsol, Europa a Jižní Amerika, 1996-98
Kancelářská budova Gresham Street, City of Londýn*, 1996-
Koupelna Foster pro Duravit a Hoesch, 1996-2001
Citigroup Centre, Canary Wharf, Londýn, 1996-2000
Stadium design and Masterplan for Wembley Stadium, Londýn*, 1996-2005
Arsta Bridge, Stockholm, Švédsko*, 1996-2003
Oxford University Library, Oxford, Anglie, 1996-2000
Redevelopment of Treasury Offices, Londýn*, 1996-2002
Offices for Slough Estates, Ascot, Berkshire and Bath Road, Slough,Middlesex, 1996-98
International Rail Terminal, St Pancras, Stratford and Ebbsfleet*, 1996
London Millennium Tower offices, Londýn*, 1996
Shelving system for Acerbis, 1995
Moorfields offices, Londýn, 1995
Transport Interchange, North Greenwich, Londýn*, 1995-98
Center for Clinical Sciences Research, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1995-2000 *
Office and Showroom for Samsung Motors, Jižní Korea, 1995-98 *
Housing and offices Gerling Ring, Kolín n. Rýnem, Německo, 1995-2001
Multimedia Centre, Hamburg, Německo, 1995-99 *
Door furniture for Fusital, Itálie, 1995
Swimming Pool and Fitness Training Centre for ASPIRE, Stanmore, Middlesex, 1995-98
World Port Centre, Rotterdam, Holandsko, 1995-2001
Competition for I G Metall Headquarters, Frankfurt n. M., Německo, 1995
National Botanic Gardens for Wales, Middleton Hall, Wales, Anglie, 1995-2000
Bank Headquarters, Dubai, 1995
Soukromý dům, Connecticut, USA, 1995
Cladding System for Technal, Francie, 1995
Solar City Linz, Rakousko, 1995
Urbanistický plán pro Regensburg, Německo, 1995
Headquarters for Daewoo Electronics, Seoul, Korea, 1995-
Conference Centre and Industrial Theatre for SECC, Glasgow, Skotsko, 1995-97
Club House, Silverstone Race Track, Silverstone, Anglie, 1995
Oita Stadium, Japonsko, 1995
Jiushi Corporation Headquarters, Shanghai, Čína, 1995-2001
Murr Tower, Offices, Bejrút, 1995 *
Offices for LIFFE, Londýn, 1995
Telecommunications Facility, Santiago de Compostela, Španělsko, 1994
Criterion Place Development, Leeds, 1994 *
Visions for Europe, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1994
Faculty of Management, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Skotsko, 1994-98
Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Medical Research Facility, Imperial College, Londýn, 1994-98
Great Court, British Museum Redevelopment, Londýn, 1994-2000 *
New office and railway development Kuala Lumpur, 1993
Forth Valley Community Care Village, 1993
Headquarters for ARAG Dusseldorf, 1993
Masterplan for Lisbon Expo*, 1993
Masterplan for Corfu, Greece, 1993
Competition for Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, 1993
London School of Economics Library, Londýn, 1993
Offices for EDF (Electricite de France), Bordeaux, 1993
Tennis Centre, Manchester, 1993
Headquarters for Timex, Connecticut, USA, 1993
Street Lighting for Decaux, 1993
MTR Terminal, Hong Kong, 1993
Wind Turbine energy generator, 1993
HACTL Cargo building for new airport Chek Lap Kok Hong Kong, 1993
Kowloon Canton Railway Station/Terminal Hong Kong, 1993
South Kensington Millennium Project – Albertopolis, 1993
Competition for National Gallery of Scottish Art, Glasgow, 1993
Design for Oresund Bridge, Copenhagen, 1993
Imperial War Museum, Hartlepool*, 1993
Competition for Exhibition Halls, Villepinte, Paris, 1993
Competition for Urban Design at Porte Maillot, Paris, 1993
Competition for Medieval Centre for Chartres, France, 1993
Masterplanning Studies for Gare d'Austerlitz Station, Paris, 1993
New Headquarters for Credit du Nord, Paris, 1993
Competition for New York Police Academy, New York, 1992
Congress Centre, Valencia, Spain, 1992
Headquarters Factory and Warehouse for Tecno, Valencia, Spain, 1992
Offices, Tower Place, City of London, 1992
Yokohama Masterplan, Japan, 1992
Competition for Business Park, Berlin*, 1992
Manchester Olympic Bid Masterplan*, 1992
Refurbishment and addition to the Hamlyn House, Chelsea, 1992-93
Competition for Spandau Bridge, Berlin, 1992
Thames Valley Business Park, 1992
Station Poterie, Rennes, France, 1992
Extension to Joslyn Arts Museum, Omaha, Nebraska, USA*, 1992-94
School of Physiotherapy, Southampton, 1992-94
House at Ludenscheid, Germany, 1992-94
High bay warehouse Ludenscheid, Germany, 1992
Masterplan for Ludenscheid, Germany, 1992
Competition for Houston Museum of Fine Arts, USA, 1992
New airport at Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong*, 1992
Marine Simulator, Rotterdam, 1992-93
Masterplan for Rotterdam, 1992
Masterplan for Imperial College, London, 1992
Competition for World Trade Centre, Berlin, 1992
Clore Theatre, Imperial College, London, 1992
Shops and franchises for Cacharel, France, 1992
Musée de la Prehistoire, Gorges du Verdon*, 1992
Cladding system for Jansen Vegla Glass, 1991-92
Masterplan for Greenwich, London, 1991
Paint Factory, Frankfurt Colloquium, Frankfurt, 1991
Gateway office building to Spitalfields Redevelopment, London, 1991
Lycee Polyvalent Regional (Secondary School), Frejus, France*, 1991-93
Napp Laboratories, Cambridge, 1991
University of Cambridge Institute of Criminology, Cambridge, 1991
Office building for Stanhope Properties and County Natwest, London, 1991
New headquarters and retail building for Sanei Corp., Makuhari, Japan, 1991
New headquarters for Agiplan, Mulheim, Germany, 1991
New headquarters for Obunsha Corp., Yarai Cho, Tokyo, Japan, 1991-93
Imperial War Museum Exhibition Hanger, Duxford, Essex, 1991
Canary Wharf Station for the Jubilee Line underground extension*, 1991
Viaduct for Rennes, France*, 1991-
House for M. Bousquet, Corsica,France, 1990-93
Motoryacht for Japanese client, 1990-93
Masterplan for Berlin, 1990
Masterplan for Cannes, France, 1990
Masterplan for Nimes, France, 1990
Law Faculty of Cambridge University, Cambridge*, 1990 - 1995
Office building for Fonta, Toulouse, France, 1990 -
Refurbishment of Brittanic House, City of London, 1990
Competition for Hotel du Departement, Marseilles, France, 1990
Competition for Congress hall, San Sebastian, Spain, 1990
Competition for Trade Fair Centre, Berlin, 1990
Passenger Concourse building for British Rail, King's Cross, 1989
Millennium Tower, Japan, 1989
Offices for Stanhope Properties, Chiswick Park Development, 1989-91
New library for Cranfield Institute of Technology*, 1989-92
Design Centre Essen, Germany, 1989
Planning studies for the City of Cambridge, 1989
Office building DS2 at Canary Wharf, Docklands, London*, 1989
Apartments and offices, New York, 1989
Street furniture for Decaux, Paris, 1989-91
Competition for Terminal 5 Heathrow Airport, 1989
British Rail station, Stansted Airport, Stansted, Essex, 1989-91
Technology Centres, Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland, 1989
Office building for Jacob's Island Co., Docklands, London, 1989
ITN new headquarters, 200 Grays Inn Road, London WC1, 1988-90
Business Promotion Centre and Telematic Centre, Duisburg, Germany, 1988-93
Sackler Galleries, Jerusalem, Israel, 1988
Crescent Wing at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts , UEA, Norwich, 1988-91
Telecommunications Tower, Torre de Collserola, Barcelona*, 1988-92
Underground Railway system, Bilbao, Spain*, 1988-95
City of London Heliport, 1988
Shop for Esprit, London, 6 Sloane Street, London SW1, 1988
Contract carpet and tile design for Vorwerk, 1988
Competition for Kansai Airport, Japan, 1988
Pont D'Austerlitz, bridge across the river Seine, Paris, 1988
Offices for Stanhope Securities, London Wall City of London, 1988
Holiday Inn, The Hague, Holland, 1988
Hotel and Club Knightsbridge, 1987
Redevelopment masterplan, Kings Cross, London*, 1987
Riverside housing and light industrial complex, Hammersmith, London, 1987-89
Century Tower office building, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 1987-91
Kawana House, Japan, 1987-92
Offices for Stanhope Securities, Stockley Park, 5 Longwalk Road, Uxbridge, 1987-89
Competition for Turin Airport, 1987
Hotel for La Fondiaria, Florence, Italy, 1987
Shopping Centre near Southampton for Savacentre, 1987
Bunka Radio Station, Yarai Cho, Tokyo, Japan, 1987
Competition for Paternoster Square redevelopment, London, 1987
Thameside Development - Residential Apartments and New Offices for Foster, 1986-90
Salle de Spectacles, Nancy, France, 1986
Headquarters for Televisa, Mexico City, 1986
Shop for Katharine Hamnett, 1986
New York Marina, 1986
New Gallery Complex, Royal Academy of Arts, Piccadilly London SWl 1985-91
Furniture system for Tecno, Milan, 1985-87
New offices for IBM at Greenford, Middlesex, 1985
Centre d'Art Contemporain et Mediatheque, Carre d'Art, 30000 Nimes*, 1984-93
IBM Head office, Major Refit 1 Northern Road, Cosham, Hants, 1984-86
New Radio Centre for BBC, London*, 1982-85
Autonomous Dwelling (with Dr. Buckminster Fuller) USA, 1982
Competition for Headquarters of Humana Inc., Louisville, Kentucky, 1982
Foster Associates office, Great Portland Street,London, 1981
Internal Systems, Furniture for Foster Associates, 1981
National Indoor Athletics Stadium, Frankfurt, Germany*, 1981-86
Third London Airport Stansted, Stansted, Essex, 1981-91
Competition for Billingsgate Fish Market, London, 1981
Westlea Down, Swindon, Wiltshire
Planning Studies for Statue Square, Hong Kong, 1980
Students Union Building, University College, London, 1980
Granada Entertainment Centre, Milton Keynes, 1979
Shop for "Joseph", Knightsbridge, London, 1979
London Gliding Club, Dunstable Downs, 1978
Foster Residence, Hampstead, London, 1978 - 1979
Proposals for International Energy Expo, Knoxville, USA, 1978
Open House Community Project, Cwmbran, Wales, 1978
Whitney Museum Development Project, New York, 1978
Technical Park for IBM, Rockware Avenue, Greenford, Middlesex, 1977-79
Transportation Interchange for LTE, Hammersmith, London, 1977-79
Masterplan for St Helier Harbour, Jersey, 1976-77
Regional Planning Studies for Island of Gomera, Canaries, 1975-76
Fred Olsen Gate Redevelopment, Oslo, Norway 1975
Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, UEA, Norwich, Norfolk, 1974-78
Palmerston Special School, Liverpool, 1974-75
Country Club and Marina, Son, Norway, 1974
Travel Agency for Fred Olsen Limited, London, 1974
Offices for Fred Olsen Limited, Vestby, Norway, 1974
Low Rise Housing, Bean Hill, Milton Keynes Development Corporation, 1973-75
Headquarters for VW Audi NSU & Mercedes Benz, Milton Keynes, 1973-74
Aluminium Extrusion Plant for SAPA, Tibshelf, Derby, 1973-77
Orange Hand Boys Wear Shops for Burton Group, 1972-73
Modern Art Glass Limited Thamesmead, Kent, 1972-73
Willis Faber and Dumas Head Office, Greyfriars, Ipswich, Suffolk, 1971-75
Special Care Unit, Ickborough Road, Hackney, London, 1971-73
Foster Associates Studio, London, 1971
Theatre for St. Peter's College, Oxford, 1971
Climatroffice, 1971
Retail & Leisure Studies, Liverpool, Exeter & Badhoevedorp, 1971-72
Fred Olsen Limited Passenger Terminal, Millwall, 1970-71
Computer Technology Limited, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, 1970-71
IBM Advance Head Office, 1 Northern Road, Cosham, Hampshire, 1970-71
Air-Supported Structure for Computer Technology Limited, Hertfordshire, 1970
Factory Systems Studies, 1969
Masterplan for Fred Olsen Limited, Millwall Docks, 1969
Fred Olsen Limited Amenity Centre, Millwall, 1968-69
Newport School Competition, 1967
Reliance Controls Limited, Swindon, Wiltshire, 1965-66
Housing for Wates, Coulsden, 1965
Henrion Studio, London, 1965
Forest Road Extension, East Horsley, Surrey, 1964
Mews Houses, Murray Mews, Camden Town, London, 1964
Waterfront Housing, Cornwall, 1964
Skybreak House, Radlett, Hertfordshire, 1964-66
Creek Vean House, Feock, Cornwall, 1964-66
Cockpit, Cornwall, 1964

* znamená vítěz národní nebo mezinárodní soutěže

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